Part 1: Ray and David Jones owner of FO Bailey Real Estate are joined by Conner Richardson, FO Bailey Agent and Kate DiBiase of NorthStar Mortgage. She gives some really good advice to help people increase their credit scores. She gives a crazy story about how she has helped people.
Part 2: Ray, David, Conner and Kate talk about relationships in business. Ray asks Conner what it is like to be apart of a company that has been around for 200 years. They have properties from Boothbay to Kittery. By dealing with local businesses you can form working relationships. Call David, office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455 or email: Contact Conner Richardson today: tel:207-570-8528 cell: or email: Call Kate Today: tel:207-450-0440 cell: or email: She can get you qualified!!!
04-18-18 Ted Talbot Remembers Barbara
Ray, David Jones and Debi are joined by Ted Talbot to reminisce about Barbara Bush. Ted used to host The Ray Richardson Show with Ray a few years ago. Ted had the opportunity to do a press conference when Vladimir Putin was here in Maine down at the Bush Family Compound on Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport.
04-18-18 Wake Up Maine!!!
Part 1: Ray gives a small tribute to Barbara Bush. He states what a wonderful woman she was. Ted Talbot will be joining us to give his thoughts. Ray talks about Ranked Choice Voting. Ray reads that they courts have said that RCV is legal for the primary races. Ray says this is a “Lock and Load” moment!!! We will not amend the Constitution!!! Over his dead body!!! Wake Up Maine!!!!!
Part 2: Ray is joined by David Jones. He joins in the discussion about Maine’s Constitution.
04-17-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Ray has David Jones, Rich Cebra, Gordon Draper and Debi Davis start the discussion talking about Ben Franklin. He died on this day and Ray started the discussion about how he and his fellow colonists did what they did. Rich states that there is no room for a honest discussion on any point. (This segment doesn’t have an audio file due to technical difficulties.)
Part 2: The panel discuss the Marijuana laws. Rich believes that medical and recreational should be kept separate. If you want to carry a firearm, it is illegal to have marijuana and a gun.
Part 3: Rich talks about state sovereignty. Ray had talked about the wheat commerce decision and expands on it. Taxes in our country is killing everything that the American can Dream.
Part 4: The Panel takes a call and they discuss excise tax. There is another call. Bill from Casco, who says that they need to stay the course up in Augusta and try to keep the liberal lefties at bay.
Part 5: Assistant Minority House Leader Ellie Espling calls in to let us know what is happening in Augusta. Ray asks her whether it will be necessary to extend the sessions. Ellie talks about the priority of bills. Ray brings us LD745, Female Genitalia Mutilation bill, and what she thinks will happen with that bill. Ray asks what can the people do to help get this bill passes in the strongest form. Ellie and Rich both say call your Representative and make your voice heard.
Part 6: The boys talk touch on Ranked Choice Voting and how it is going to end up in court no matter who wins.
Part 7: Ray talks about Chuck Todd’s statement about Fox’s Shawn Hannity. Chuck Todd is a fake journalist. He claims to be a journalist, but you know exactly what his opinion is on every subject. Shawn is an editorial talk show host. They talk about Mike Wallace, Chris Wallace, and Tim Russert. Ray asks Rich about tax conformity, will it happen? Hand Sanitizer is a big topic.
Part 8: Ray reminds everybody about the Republican Debate next week. David and Ray talk about taxes and how they are so out of control. Our infrastructure is horrible for the taxes that we pay.