Part 1: Ray starts off with a couple of texts he received over the break about the Female Genitalia Mutilation (FGM). Then he talks about Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker. He is the White House Correspondent. Ray compares the Trump Administration vs Obama Administration regarding Syria. Jon asks Ray if he saw the Comey interview. Jon doesn’t believe that Comey’s book has done him no favors. He has not given any new information, and he comes off as just a bitter man. Friday night Syria missile attack was discussed. Trump said he would retaliate and he kept his word.
Part 2: Ray promises that he will read the names of the Maine Representatives that voted LD745 down. Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown fills us in about what is happening with the National Guard and Border Patrol. There has been an increase of illegal crossings and President Trump wants to secure our borders. Most of the Governors are in favor, but California is not thrilled.
04-16-18 Female Genitalia Mutilation
Part 1: Ray is joined by Rep. Heather Sirocki of Scarborough to discuss the vote on FGM. The Senate passed the measure to make it illegal in the State of Maine, however, the House defeated Bill LD 745. She and Ray discuss the culture of people that have the ability to do this to a defenseless little girl. Ray lists off the names of the people that voted this bill down.
Part 2: Ray asks “Why are they not protecting these little girls?” Rachel Talbot Ross has spent her whole career supporting the NAACP. Where is their outrage?
Part 3: Ray starts off with frustration against the 65 people in the House that voted against this Bill, LD 745. American Civil Liberties Union is against this bill. He calls out Charlotte Warren and Rachel Talbot Ross. Ray has to take a time out so the music gets really loud for a minute. He also calls out Janice Cooper. Ray moves on the James Comey and his book tour. Ray talks to a caller about the religious or cultural persuasion of the groups. Ray brings up Jessica’s Law.
Click here for a full list of Maine Representatives that voted down LD 745.
04-16-18 Representatives that voted down LD 745 (FGM)
Names of Representatives that voted down LD 745 are listed below. This is the Female Genitalia Mutilation Bill (FGM) sponsored by Rep. Heather Sirocki.
Rep. Kent Ackley-I of Monmouth
Rep. Robert Alley-D of Beals
Rep. Christopher Babbidge-D of Kennebunk
Rep. Donna Bailey-D of Saco
Rep. Dillon Bates-D of Westbrook
Rep. Kevin Battle-I of South Portland
Rep. Pinny Beebe-Center-D of Rockland
Rep. Seth Berry-D of Bowdoinham
Rep. Lydia Blume-D of York
Rep. Heidi Brooks-D of Lewiston
Rep. Mark Bryant-D of Windham
Rep. Owen Casas-I of Rockport
Rep. Ralph Chapman-Green- G of Brooksville
Rep. Benjamin Collings-D of Portland
Rep. Janice Cooper-D of Windham
Rep. Matthea Elisabeth Larsen Daughtry-D of Brunswick
Rep. Dale Denno-D of Cumberland
Rep. Michael Devin-D of Newcastle
Rep. Donna Doore-D of Augusta
Rep. Michelle Dunphy-D of Old Town
Rep. Richard Farnsworth-D of Portland
Rep. Ryan Fecteau-D of Biddeford
Rep. Aaron Frey-D of Bangor
Rep. Roger Jason Fuller-D of Lewiston
Rep. Drew Gattine-D of Westbrook
Rep. Sara Gideon-D of Freeport
Rep. Jared Golden-D of Lewiston
Rep. James Handy-D of Lewiston
Rep. Denise Harlow-I of Portland
Rep. Craig Hickman-D of Winthrop
Rep. George Hogan-D of Old Orchard Beach
Rep. Brian Hubbell-D of Bar Harbor
Rep. Patricia Hymanson-D of York
Rep. Erik Jorgensen-D of Monticello
Rep. Victoria Kornfield-D of Bangor
Rep. Walter Kumiega-D of Deer Isle
Rep. Mark Lawrence-D of Eliot
Rep. Thomas Longstaff-D of Waterville
Rep. Colleen Madigan-D of Waterville
Rep. John Martin-D of Eagle Lake
Rep. Roland Danny Martin-D of Sinclair
Rep. David Harold McCrea-D of Fort Fairfield
Rep. Joyce McCreight-D of Harpswell
Rep. Andrew McLean-D of Gorham
Rep. Gina Melaragno-D of Auburn
Rep. Kimberly Monaghan-D of Cape Elizabeth
Rep. Matthew Moonen-D of Portland
Rep. Margaret O’Neil-D of Saco
Rep. Jennifer Ellen Parker-D of South Berwick
Rep. Anne Perry-D of Calais
Rep. Teresa Pierce-D of Falmouth
Rep. Lois Galway Reckitt-D of South Portland
Rep. Christina Riley-D of Jay
Rep Deanne Rykerson-D of Kittery
Rep. Heather Sanborn-D of Portland
Rep. John Schneck-D of Bangor
Rep. Bettyann Sheats-D of Auburn
Rep. Michael Sylvester-D of Portland
Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross-D of Portland
Rep. Denise Tepler-D of Topsham
Rep. Maureen Fitzgerald Terry-D of Gorham
Rep. Ryan Tipping-D of Orono
Rep. Ralph Tucker-D of Brunswick
Rep. Charlotte Warren-D of Hallowell
Rep. Stanley Paige Ziegler -D of Montville
04-13-18 Have a Great Weekend!
Ray and Joe recapped the morning’s show a little. Talked about how much they are looking forward to Blazes Burgers opening. They also touched on Tim Tebow and the Sea Dogs opening up their season tonight.