Ray was asked by several to replay Mark Robinson’s speech to Greensboro, North Carolina’s City Council members.
04-09-18 Elections
Ray starts off talking about all of the big elections that will be happening this November. He names them all. All of the Maine Legislature, the Governor, not to mention the national elections. Ray talks about wage growth, welfare rolls cut. What are the platforms that the Democrat plan on using. Ray argues that the Governor and other elected folks have not been fiscally conservative.
04-9-18 Voting Age
Ray reads a headline for the Op-Ed page of the Portland Press. Someone put forth the idea that the voting age should be lowered to 16 years old. Ray states some of the history of why it is currently 18 years old and the irony of it not being 21 anymore. Think about what would happen in the schools if a 16 year old junior could vote for the school board….
04-09-18 The Search
Ray starts out with Tim Tebow coming to town for the Sea Dogs Home Opener. He heads to Eastpoint Church. He talks about the series that the Pastor Scott Taube started this last Sunday. He talks about the questions about whether or not this is what God want him to be doing. Ray talks about Evil and how it is really evident sometimes but sometimes it can be sneaky and underestimated. Ray addresses a text he received about gun rights. He explains his thoughts on gun rights and his faith. Ray also hits on President Trump calling out Russian President Vladimir Putin by name on Sunday for backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and warned of a “big price” after reports of a chemical weapons attack in Syria. He then reads an announcement that Florida Governor Rick Scott will be running for the US Senate.