Ray ends the show where he began. He talks about how we used to raise our voices for our rights and now we are raising them to take them away. Where are the new leaders of our nation?
04-04-18 The Greatest Aphrodisiac
Ray starts talking about banning guns and handguns. Then he throws out the stat of how many of today’s shooters don’t have fathers in the home. He talks about what is the most difficult job in America, being a single parent in today’s society. He also hits on the social abandonment of our government. Power is the greatest aphrodisiac in the world.
04-04-18 Caravan To America
Ray talks about the immigrant ‘caravans’ moving through Mexico heading to the United States through Mexico. He talks about the difference between Government and people. President Trump has said he will stop these people from coming into the United States unless they do it the legal way.
04-04-18 Tyranny of the Left
Ray starts this segment talking about Dr. King’s vision. He is then joined by Fox News Radio’s Jeff Monosso and they discuss a retired Air Force sergeant who was forcibly removed two years ago from a military retirement ceremony as he recited a traditional passage honoring the flag filed a lawsuit Monday, claiming he was ousted for mentioning the word “God.” Senior Master Sgt. Oscar Rodriguez was invited to speak at an April 3, 2016 ceremony by an outgoing fellow master sergeant from the 749th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron. Ray preaches about how the tyranny of the left must be stopped. He gives explicit examples of the tyranny.