Ray is joined by Joe Bruno in his neon orange jacket this morning. They start off this morning talking about a bill that Sara Gideon put submitted. Speaker of the Maine House Sara Gideon submitted LD 1892, An Act To Clarify the Prescribing and Dispensing of Naloxone Hydrochloride by Pharmacists, which will allow for people under the age of 21 to have access to the life-saving drug Narcan. Joe who is on the Board of Pharmacy. They also briefly touch on Ranked Choice Voting.
03-29-18 Gun Debate
Part 1: Ray and Peter touch on the banning the NRA and assault weapons. Peter believes that we don’t need the assault weapons. He doesn’t believe that there is a need for a gun that shoots more than you need to hunt. Ray disagrees and sets up the argument.
Part 2: A caller believes that it is against the law to commit murder so that should be enough. Ray talks about the Bill of Rights and the caller compares the Bill of Rights to the Ten Commandments.
03-29-18 Founding Fathers
Ray and Peter talk about running for office and the demands that it has. The boys talk about the difference between the person that runs because the want to make a difference and the person that runs for the title. The founding fathers had a great idea and unfortunately, it has morphed into something different.
03-29-18 Government Bailouts

Rowe Ford
Part 1: Ray and Peter talk about beautiful truck at Rowe Ford. Then head down the financial history path. What happened back in the day with the mortgage companies and the interests rates were crazy. Bush sounded the alarm but did nothing to combat it. Nobody bailed out Joe the carpenter.
Part 2: Ray and Peter continue to discuss the recession. Ray explains how he comes to the conclusion of blaming Bush for the recession.