Segment 1: Ray Richardson starts with President Biden’s rigid ideology and his fight on the southern border to keep it open and the Supreme Court ’s decision that allows Border Patrol agents to cut concertina wire that Texas had installed along the border near Eagle Pass while litigation continues.
Segment 2: Ray plays the Reagan speech “The Shining City On The Hill” and says that he isn’t against immigration, just do it within our laws.
Segments 3-4: Ray continues with the government and the Constitution, the rigid Ideology aren’t necessarily, the elected people that represent you, that you don’t agree with philosophically and the yet we continue to vote for them because we don’t hold them accountable for their votes. Mike Mercer (F3 Defense) joins the fun.
Segments 5-6: Mike Shepherd (Political Editor for the Bangor Daily News) join Ray to discuss the push to ban natural gas and anything other than solar power, and more.
Segment 7: Hope Pollard (ABC Maine), Erin Fogg (Vice President of Development and Communications of Good Shepherd’s Food Bank), and Dan Coffey (CianBro) join Ray to share some great news. Dan presents a nice size check to Erin and they discuss some of the upcoming fundraisers and more.
Segment 8: Ray previews a couple of upcoming guests.
Segment 9: Ray welcomes Fahad Nazer, the Official Spokesperson of The Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. and they talk about the unrest in the Middle East, Neom which is a new urban area planned by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be built in its northwestern Tabuk Province, the Winter Olympics and how that works.
Segment 10: Ray talks about Rock Mountain Ministries and the good work that Peter Bolduc is doing. Dr. Demi Kouzounas (Candidate for US Senator against Sen. King) joins to talk about her week since she announced running for US Senate against Sen. Angus King.
Segments 11-12: Mike gives a shout-out to his son, Conchobhar (Connor) Mercer. Ray plays a clip of leaked audio that underscores just how much Republicans don’t want Kari Lake to run. The panel discuss Kari, her personality, and why. Kenny Cianchette (Erik’s Church) joins the panel and they talk about CianBro and their generosity and tradition of giving back to the community, Some of the ways Erik’s Church has been giving back and they congratulate him on Erik’s being named Sebago Lake Region’s Business of the Year. They continue to discuss Portland and other areas’ business climate.
Segments 13-14: Ray plays clip from a Reagan speech A Time For Choosing about how we as Americans have the right to make our own destiny and the self appointed experts. They talk about working for your parents. He shares that Matt Jacobson’s stint as a DJ on the Sirius XM channel Margaritaville. They take calls starting with Arthur Langley about mental illness and the panel discuss it, the healthcare system, the mess of the hospital situation, health insurances, the movement to government run medicine. They move on to the beautiful snow happening outside of the studio.
Segments 15-16: They panel take calls including John the Liberal about Trump and Chuck. Ray ends the week with an email from the Sage of K’Bunk