Part 1: Amy Gallant with AARP Maine informs us with Tuesdays at the State House. Meet her between 9:30-10am at the Cross Building. Ray asks Amy about what she heard in the State of the State Address. They also discuss what wasn’t in the Address.
Part 2: Shout out to Amy’s Dad and a very happy birthday to her tomorrow!!! Contact Amy: 207-776-6303, or on Facebook.
02-14-18 Ethan Strimling
Portland Mayor Ethan Stimling calls in to discuss the Fundraiser he is going to do on Friday. He lost a bet over the Super Bowl and now is making good on his bet. He is shaving his head at the Presumpscot Elementary School in Portland on Friday. Shipyard Brewery donated beer for the bet. Please donate to the cause Barbara Bush Hospital,
02-14-18 MaineCare
This is a quick discussion on the Maine Healthcare System. What is the big holdup in getting it solved? It seems that the Maine Government keeps getting in its own way. It is time to step up and get this done.
02-14-18 Democrat Response

Photo credit: Bangor Daily News
Ray, David and Debi discuss the Democrat response of the State of the State Address from Governor LePage. The current Speaker of the Maine House of Representatives, Sara Gideon, Falmouth, looked like she lost her dog and had nothing good to say. Speaker Gideon represents District 48.