Part 1: Ray, Rich and David are joined by Republican Party Leader Demi Kouzounas and they talk about the up-coming campaign. How is the candidate recruitment coming? Demi explains how that is going.
Part 2: Portland Mayor calls in to discuss the Fundraiser he is going to do on Friday. He lost a bet over the Super Bowl and now is making good on his bet. He is shaving his head at the Presumpscot Elementary School in Portland on Friday. Please donate to the cause Barbara Bush Hospital, They go on to discuss people in leadership, especially House Minority Leader Ellie Espling, her management style and her run for State Senate.
Part 3: Ellie phones in and she describes her feelings on the State of the State Address. This will be Gov. LePage’s last one, she is terming out of the Legislature.
Part 4: Ranked Choice Voting and how is that going to wreck havoc on the election. She explains what the process will be for the ballots. They will have to be hand counted. The Democrats have the most to loose with RCV. It is unconstitutional and they give some examples.
Part 5: The discussion is on Maine’s budget and the state spending. People are leaving and when they do, it leaves the elderly and other state funded families. We are 48th in business climate. We have to do better.
02-13-18 Greatest Generation
Ray, David and Rich talk about people that retire. Some seem to loose their sense of purpose, others seem to go on and on. They talk what we have accomplished since their grandparents were born. Plane, man on the moon, computer….just to name a few.
02-13-18 Gas
They boys talk about Gas vs Propane. David tells his story of changing from propane to gas.
02-13-18 Government Funding
David, Rich, Ray and Debi talk about the Federal Funding for Public Television. They take a call from Listener Arthur Langley about the closing of the Downeast Correctional Facility. Rich explains that it was from a financial not emotional place. The boys talk about what a beautiful place the Downeast area is, but there isn’t much to be able to make a living.