The Boys (Ray, David Jones and Rich Cebra) take a call. He has a question about Ranked Choice Voting and how is it going to work. Ray and Rich try to answer to the best of their ability. LOL. Rich doesn’t see how it can be not lead to a lawsuit or two. Ray thinks it is the liberals “pitchin’ a fit” and throwing a temper tantrum.
02-13-18 Welcome to Tuesday
State Rep. Rich Cebra joins Ray and Debi in studio today. They start off talking about the sky and moon, then get into Cut the Hair of the Mayor. Also discussed is Presidents new budget.
02-12-18 Infrastructure
Ray talks about the infrastructure of our country, states and cities. We keep throwing good money after bad. Why do we believe that this will be any different? If we don’t have the infrastructure for roads and bridges that we need. Everything is falling apart because we aren’t taking care of business.
02-12-18 National Budget
Ray talks about the National Budget that has been proposed. The budget deal currently being considered by Congress would increase discretionary spending caps over the next two years by $165 billion for defense and $131 billion for non-defense. Keynesian economics was developed by John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. Keynes advocated increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of the depression.