Ray reads Keith Weeds, Unilever’s CMCO, responsible for the marketing and communications functions, comments and expands on anonymity. Then Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker joins us and weighs in on Ray anonymity thoughts. Jon and Ray then turn to what’s happening in Washington. Ray asks him about the allegations towards Dave Sorenson from ex-wife Jessica Corbett. Before serving as a speechwriter in the White House, he worked for Maine Gov. LePage. Jon believes that there always forgiveness and doesn’t believe his career is over.
02-12-18 FO Bailey Real Estate
Part 1: Ray talks real estate with the F. O. Bailey‘s Tom Gadbois about listings and properties up in the Auburn/Lewiston. The talk about how that area is really moving and a great place to live. It isn’t a bad commute to Portland or Augusta. He has listings all over Southern Maine.
Part 2: He is looking for some more listings. He works in both the Residential and Commercial arenas. His contact information is: phone 207-409-8339 email, Tom@fobailey.com.
02-12-18 Caller
Ray takes a call from a regular listener. They discuss the love affair the media has with North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un’s younger sister, Kim Yo Jong. Question is why? CNN has been slammed for their coverage of her as well.
02-12-18 Marsy’s Law
Chris Quint is the State Director for the Marsy’s Law Movement. The Maine Bill, LD 1168, is non-would guarantee constitutional rights to victims of crime. Currently, Maine does not have a Victims’ Rights Amendment to its Constitution. This bill is co-sponsored by Senate President Mike Thibodeau, R-Winterport, and House Majority Leader Erin Herbig, D-Belfast. Visit the Marsy’s Law website to find out more information, https://marsyslaw.us/marsys-law-state-efforts/maine.