Part 1: Ray takes a call. The caller says that we should be doing more in the prevention and rehabilitation so that we don’t/won’t need to use the drug Naloxone. Ray agrees, but that is a different issue. This is a 3 pronged issue. 1.) Education 2.) Enforcement 3.) Rehabilitation. We need to stop the drugs coming into our state/country. None of that matters if the person isn’t alive to benefit from those prongs.
Part 2: Ray takes another call and it happens to be the same caller from before. The discussion continues.
02-02-18 FISA Memo
Part 1: Ray goes into the FISA Memo again….Who knew what, who should be held accountable, what’s next? Ray talks about all of these question in this brief segment.
Part 2: Joe Bruno calls in on his way to Augusta. Joe is a regular Friday guest, he is also Chair of the Board of Pharmacy. He tells us about the process of how this Naloxone Bill works. You still have to have a prescription to buy Narcan, however a pharmacist can give you this prescription.
02-02-18 Naloxone
Ray talks about the compromise between the Governor and the Board of Pharmacies on the age minimum to buy the drug Naloxone sold as Narcan. The have agreed on the 21 years old. Joe Bruno is the Chair of the Board.
02-02-18 Good Morning!!!
Ray touches on several things this morning. First he gave a shout out to Sam, the Bottle Man, who is in the Barbara Bush Hospital. Feel better soon!! He then turns to the FISA memo and the who is protesting the most, makes one think. He also goes into the Sec of State Clinton’s email scandal. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins by phone and they continue the ramifications of the memo and the possible fallout. What happens after? That’s a good question.