Part 1: Ray and Debi are joined by David Jones to discuss the FISA memo that came out. Ray has a light bulb moment last night. Hillary!!! There is nothing that she wouldn’t have done to become President. There isn’t a smoking gun that you follow the trial, but there are a lot of names (Sid Blumenthal) that are linked to the Clintons.
Part 2: Ray continues with his FISA memo hypotenuse. Haiti doesn’t like the Clintons at all. Wonder why?
02-06-18 Political Roundtable
Part 1: Executive Director of the Republican Party Jason Savage is under scrutiny with his taxes. Republican Party Leader Demi Kouzounas speaks to this issue.
Part 2: Starts out with Demi Kouzounas giving a brief recount of her experience at the State of the Union Address. Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker and Ray discuss Nunes. House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes put together the highly controversial memo alleging the FBI abused its surveillance tools.
Part 3: Assistant Minority Leader Ellie Espling calls in to discuss some of the bills on the floor. Female Genitalia Mutilation is on the table again.
Part 4: Rep. Cebra had to leave for Augusta and Demi and Ray are left and they start in on DACA and how that is the most discussed thing in Washington. Not Veteran’s issues, Not Abortion, but illegal immigrant’s rights. Demi teases Ray about this being a very heavy show today. Ray goes back to the Practicing Catholic Senators that supported late term abortions.
02-06-18 Catholic Senators
A Catholic priest is calling on bishops to excommunicate the 14 Catholic-identifying U.S. senators who voted last week against banning late-term abortions. He is also calling on priests to deny the Catholic pro-abortion senators Holy Communion. Father Dwight Longenecker, pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary parish in Greenville, South Carolina, wrote about the fact that last Monday 46 of 97 members of the U.S. Senate voted against ending debate on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, the result of that was the Senate not being allowed to vote on the bill, and the senators in effect voting against the ban. The names of the 14 Catholic senators who voted against the 20-week abortion ban are: Maria Cantwell – Washington, Susan Collins – Maine
Dick Durbin – Illinois, Kirsten Gillibrand – New York, Heidi Heitkamp – North Dakota, Tim Kaine – Virginia, Patrick Leahy – Vermont, Ed Markey – Massachusetts, Catherine Cortez Masto – Nevada, Claire McCaskill – Missouri, Bob Menendez – New Jersey, Lisa Murkowski – Alaska
Patty Murray – Washington and Jack Reed – Rhode Island.
02-06-18 Schumer
Ray and Rich talk about the way Chuck Schumer went to panhandle for money. He got money from Trump before he was President to help with is campaign.