Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling is joining David Jones, Rich Cebra and Ray Richardson this morning and he has his State of the City Address tonight. Rich asks him about some of the key issues. The Mayor gives us an outline of his speech. Apparently it will have the word “universally”. Ray asks him about the homeless issue and if he has looked at Salt Lake City and how they have dealt with it. Business, church, private and government communities have to work together.
01-31-18 American Dream
Part 1: The boys talk about the frowning of the democrats during the speech and then they go into who and when the audience stood for good points. The Democrats didn’t stand for anything. They also talk about the American Dream. It isn’t just the “Dreamers” who have a dream.
Part 2: Ray, David and Rich talk about the American Dream and the contrast between the Democrats and Republicans. The boys also hit on the minimum wage issue. An entry job is just that and entry job. You climb the ladder with hard work and how you succeed is on you as the employee, not employer. Then Ray goes onto drug abuse and the Naloxone debate. They end up going to Shawn Moody and the press release lying about his position on the Naloxone and drug issue facing Maine. Rich goes off and tells everyone what Shawn wants and he wants after they get elected.
01-31-18 State of the Union
Part 1: State Rep. Rich Cebra joins Ray this morning to discuss the State of the Union Address President Trump gave last night. This speech was the third longest SOTU Address in American history. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in and gives a brief recap of some of the highlights. After Rachel, the boys went back to talking about the people of the Black Caucus not applauding when speaking on getting unemployment down.
Part 2: The boys take a call and he loved the speech. Ray reads a list that he wrote before the speech of goals and accomplishments that President Trump said that he tackle and did.
01-30-19 FISA Memo
Ray and Debi (Who joins us for the last segment. She has been wearing another hat this week.) talk about the FISA Memo and the corruption of our government. Ray lays it out step by step, how it has progressed.