Part 1: Ray reads some of the Winners of President Trump’s Fake News Awards were revealed Wednesday night on Twitter. The New York Times topping the list and CNN came out as a “winner,” with the left-leaning news network making the list four times. The final “winner” on the list, as Trump described it: “And last, but not least: ‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!” Peter, Bob and Ray end up talking about protesters.
Part 2: Ray brings back Fake News which all started on Inauguration Day. Journalist are not suppose to be biased.
01-18-18 100 Things To Do
Part 1: Bob Witkowski from Visit Portland brings us 100 Things To Do In Portland Maine Before You Die. and the host of Inside Portland heard here on WLOB at 11am Saturdays. He announces that his publisher has requested that he does a second version. Today he brings us info on the local Ice Bars. The Portland Harbor Hotel presents: ICE BAR, January 25-27, 2018, 5:00pm – 9:00pm. Enjoy great music and light Hors D’oeuvres. Tickets are sold out for Friday & Saturday night. Tickets are still available for Thursday at Brunswick Hotel Ice Bar: Be a part of our wintry celebration on January 18 – 20, 2018, 5 – 10pm each night. Ice Bar tickets are available in advance through for $16 on Thursday and Friday, $20 on Saturday. Event tickets will be available at the door for $20 on Thursday and Friday, $24 on Saturday. Peter McFarland is finally doing the Lobster Dip this Saturday. Peter McFarland is doing The Lobster Dip 2018, Maine’s “ORIGINAL” Dip. Due to the harsh sub-temps this was postponed from Jan. 1 to Saturday January 12. Noon and then again to this Sat. Peter is looking for some more donations to help his cause. This fundraiser is held in front of The Brunswick down on Old Orchard Beach. Lisa Bird and her team has done a great job organizing this awesome event to support the Special Olympics. You can donate in Peter’s name by clicking here.
Part 2: Peter describes his vision of his Lobster Dip. Ray answers an email question about Ranked Choice Voting.
01-18-18 Apple
Ray reads from the headlines that Apple announces plans to repatriate billions in overseas cash, says it will contribute $350 billion to the US economy over the next 5 years. He reads some of the highlights and explains how and why this is because of the newly passed tax reform.
01-18-18 Racist
Ray has Debi play a video on Facebook. It is Bill Clinton and Obama saying the same thing that Trump is saying about the illegal immigrants in our country. Why was it ok for them to say the same thing back then, but when Trump says it he is called a racist.