Segment 1: Ray is joined by Dr. Michael Ciampi (Ciampi Family Practice) an Ray shares some of the upcoming guests, they discuss the bomb threat emailed to officials in several states including Maine, and more.
Segment 2: Ray and Doc talk about the hardwood that Webber Cushing donated for the Lewiston, Vern Dukes, and the restaurant in Portland on the corner of St. Johns and Congress Street and the lengths that the owner went to make sure that his customers were happy.
Segments 3-4: Ray plays a clip of a Clark County, Nevada judge and a marshal being attacked by a defendant who was denied bond and threw himself over the bench and to get to the judge. Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) discuss the clip, then move on to the ruling from Maine Sec. of State Shenna Bellows on Trump, and more.
Segment 5: Ray and Doc continue to discuss Shenna Bellows and the age of ignorance. Bob and Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R.-Turner) join by phone and Josh shares his first-hand experience of the bomb threat at the State House and the boys discuss the lack of decorum and knowledge of civic protocols.
Segment 6: The boys continue their discussion from the previous segment. Bob talks about his New Years fun down in the South and Christmas fun.
Segments 7-8: The boys welcome Dave Ciullo (Career Management Services and host of The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio) and he shares some of the changes that happened between the 4th Quarter of 2023 and the 1st Quarter of 2024 in the workforce, Dave also shares some of the things that he is watching and the business trends and the medical fields, especially the nursing industry.
Segment 9: Ray talks about the difference in the Republican party from the time that he joined and the principles that they held when the party was founded and today and the Republican “stunts”.