AT&T was quick to respond to news of U.S. tax reform, announcing it would give some employees bonuses once the legislation is signed into law. AT&T said in a press release Wednesday that it would give more than 200,000 of its U.S. workers who are union members a special bonus of $1,000. The company also increased its capital expenditures budget by $1 billion in the U.S. Then Ray went off of the rails….could keep up with all of the topics he touched on.
12-21-17 Tim Scott
Senator Tim Scott responded to a blogger who accused him of being President Donald Trump’s African-American “prop” at the White House tax reform speech. “What a shocker. There’s ONE black person there and sure enough they have him standing right next to the mic like a manipulated prop,” Andy Ostroy wrote. Scott responded on Twitter, ripping Ostroy’s remarks: “Uh probably because I helped write the bill for the past year, have multiple provisions included, got multiple Senators on board over the last week and have worked on tax reform my entire time in Congress. But if you’d rather just see my skin color, pls feel free.” Scott is the first black senator elected in the South since Reconstruction, and preceded only by a pair of Mississippi Republicans – Hiram Revels, elected in 1870, and Blanche Bruce, elected in 1874.
12-21-17 Rome Italy’s Charlie Brown Tree
Romans are up in arms over the city’s Christmas tree that has been dubbed “Spelacchio”, which roughly translated means mangy or baldy. The Vadican’s tree is glorious and Romans envious of the Christmas tree put up in the northern city of Milan, seeing it as another sign of how the Italian financial capital has overtaken the nation’s official capital in terms of wealth and prestige.
12-21-17 Trump’s Triumph
Ray celebrates President Trump’s triumph with his tax plan being passed. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins by phone to recap and they discuss the individual mandate.