Joe Bruno joins us this morning. He and Ray start talking about who is running for Governor. Talking points were Shawn isn’t a career politician, he is a down-to-Earth businessman who has some great ideas. The discussion turns to consolidations and working together to make Maine great again.
12-14-17 Pat Callaghan
Part 1: Pat Callaghan of WSCH6 joins us to discuss the happenings of the nation. They talk about the election in Alabama and the Republicans currently in office and how they have stand up and do what is right for Americans, not what is right for them. The tax plan and healthcare issues were all touched on.
Part 2: Ray and Pat talk about the music request of the The Cowsills. Then they move on the the Music Hall of Fame to finally include the Moody Blues. Ray talks about how
12-14-17 David Cuillo and Christmas Music
Part 1: We have been having a great time in studio this morning. Peter and Ray talk more about Christmas and more things things happening in Portland. David Cuillo of Career Management Services and Dale Carnegie Maine, he also hosts The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio, calls in and talks about companies needing to make sure that they have risk management training available.
Part 2: It is a very short segment and Ray just plays Straight No Chasers’ 12 Days of Christmas.
12-14-17 100 Things to do in Portland
Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland and host of Inside Portland brings us some fun things to do in Portland. Saturday, December 16, 2017 in the Portland Harbor there will be the Parade of Lights starting around 4:30pm. Places to see, basically anywhere on the waterfront. The Victoria Mansion is also offering several special events not to mention the beautiful decorations.