Fox News Radio’s Gurnal Scott is down in south and gives us and update on the goings on in the Senate Race.
Fox News Radio’s Gurnal Scott is down in south and gives us and update on the goings on in the Senate Race.
Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland brings us the story of how in just the last two months, we’ve seen two terrorist attacks in New York City carried out by men who were here as a result of failed immigration policies, the diversity lottery and chain migration. The Diversity Immigrant Visa program, also known as the green card lottery, is a United States congressional lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. Chain migration is the social process by which immigrants from a particular town follow others from that town to a particular city or neighborhood. Discussions followed the interview.
Courtesy WGME
Part 1: Ray, Rich Cebra and Debi discuss Alabama’s Senate and the Lewiston Mayoral race. The race down south was a really close call. Democrat Doug Jones has been named winner, but Judge Roy Moore has not conceded yet because all of the votes have not been reported. Congratulations goes to Republican Shane Bouchard, who won up in Lewiston over Ben Chin.
Part 2: David Jones joins the discussion of elections and how they were reported.
So Ray was iced in….the parking lot was as slick as an ice rink and Ray couldn’t get out of his car so Dee Dee and Debi took over the show. Dee Dee described putting up their Christmas Tree. Nothing is ever easy in the Richardson’s house. Ray was finally able to get into the studio and touched on the elections.