Lewiston’s special election for the mayoral runoff election is between Republican Shane Bouchard and Democrat Ben Chin. Ray asks Rep. Rich Cebra his opinion of Chin…Rich scratches his beard and takes a deep breath.
12-12-17 Alabama Elections
Ray and Debi talk about the special Senate election down in Alabama between Republican Roy Moore and Democrat Doug Jones. Dee Dee joins the discussion.
12-11-17 Derek Volk and the NFIB
Derek Volk with Volk Packaging and host of The Derek Volk Show brings in David Clough with the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB). The NFIB is the America’s leading small business organization. Small businesses generally don’t want a handout. They talk about how the taxes work in a small business.
This is a four part interview…
12-11-17 F. O. Bailey
Julie Sheehan with F.O. Bailey Real Estate explains how the lack of properties is really good for sellers right now. There is a really quick turnover on properties right now. She highlights a couple of properties as well.