Ray and Debi talk about the Tax Reform … apparently Sen. King isn’t going to support it because he doesn’t know what is in the plan. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports that the U.S. Senate voted just before 2 a.m. Saturday morning to pass a tax overhaul worth roughly $1.4 trillion, putting the Trump a big step closer to its first major legislative victory – and many Americans closer to a tax cut.
Part 1: Public Defender Jeff Adachi released a statement saying the accused Zarate was “extremely relieved” by the outcome and that while Steinle’s death “was a horrible tragedy,” it was used as “political fodder for then candidate Donald Trump’s anti-immigration agenda.” He added, “Despite the unfairly politicized atmosphere surrounding this case, jurors focused on the evidence, which was clear and convincing, and rendered a just verdict.” The Justice Department is considering bringing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after his not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial, department officials told Fox News on Friday. Part 2: Where is the justice and Ray fears vigilantly justice. Caller calls in and want a Moody for Governor sign and Joe tells him to go to shawnmoody.com to help or donate.
Ray and Joe discuss Dirigo and the fact that it is still on the books and hasn’t been repealed. We were told that Dirigo would insure 130,000 uninsured Mainers in five years and 57,000 in the first year alone. We were told that the more people that were enrolled in the program, the more savings we would see in health care costs and health insurance premiums. Dirigo was also going to “provide competition” with its subsidized DirigoChoice insurance. Finally, Dirigo was supposed to “stabilize” the insurance market and health insurance premiums. But that was not the reality. DirigoChoice never insured more than 15,000 people at any one time. There were no real “savings to the system”.
Caller makes the point: We’ve stated the problem, but what is the answer. They talk about draining the swamp. Not just in Washington, but in Maine as well. Look at the roads as a representation of what is happening in our country/state, instead of fixing a road, they will put a cold patch over a pothole that doesn’t last or solve the problem.