Joe Bruno and Tim Wilson joins us in Studio and Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland discuss the allocations against Roy S. Moore, the Republican running for U. S. Senator in Alabama, was accused of making sexual or romantic overtures with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 years old.
11-09-17 Pat Callaghan
Part 1: Ray, Peter and Debi are joined by WCSH6’s Pat Callaghan and they discuss the election on Tuesday. Question 1 was resoundingly defeated. Roy Lenardson crafted a brilliant campaign against Shawn Scott. The merits of the casino resort was never discussed. They Yes on 1 waited too long to start campaigning and getting their side out there. Question 2: Pat and Ray discuss the numbers. Ray wonders if seniors were informed and understood the question when they voted.
Part 2: Ranked Choice Voting and how the Gubernatorial campaigns are going to run. It will probably be a nicer campaign
11-09-17 Medicaid Expansion cont.
The discussion continues this morning on Medicaid Expansion. Ray is so upset that the people don’t understand what they are voting on and the only voice out there seems to be the People’s Alliance of Maine, Catholic Charities and other groups out there were the only voices speaking out on this issue. Great discussion this morning. We get a call from Dave Brackett from Westbrook in segment three and he agrees with panel this am. He says they can afford to buy “things”, but not healthcare. It is all about choices.
11-09-17 Rachel Sutherland
Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland talks about Equifax and Yahoo Executives grilled on Capitol Hill over personal information breaches/Hacking. Russia was brought up as one of the sources that did the hacking. Also discussed was having a 1st responder type reaction to breaches so everyone is on the same page and response is uniform.