Part 1: The Village Candle Company is a small Maine company that is doing big business. Jeanne Hulit describes the science behind why their wonderful candles have such a great burn with little soot and smoke.
Part 2: Ray asks Jeanne about their worldwide operations and all of the relief efforts for the disaster areas without power.
10-12-17 Harvest on the Harbor
Part 1: Stefanie Manning of Harvest on the Harbor brought in Leslie Oster of Full Plates Full Potential of Maine which is benefiting from each ticket sold to Harvest on the Harbor. Leslie gives an overview of what their amazing programs have and can accomplish.
Part 2: HOH has six Sustainable Table events and then several other events as well. Stefanie describes a little about each one and some of the wonderful generosity of the vendors. Click here for all of the events.
10-12-17 Visit Portland
Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland introduces Stefanie Manning of Harvest on the Harbor and Leslie Oster of Full Plates of Maine. He describes Harvest on the Harbor as a “Food Euphoria” as Ray Richardson says in his book 1,000 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die.
10-12-17 Taxes Taxes Taxes
Part 1: Taxes are in the news again…surprise!
Ray starts the morning setting up the conversation with Rachel Sutherland.
Part 2: Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports on President Trump’s tax tour. He was out stumping his tax plan in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He fired up the middle-class Americans with a retooled tax code. Trump’s speech also highlighted the trucking industry and how the trickle down effect works.