Maine Chief Justice Leigh Saufley offers a “Traveling Court”. She is the Chief Justice of the Maine Supreme Judicial Court. This is a great way to expose students to the justice system. She will been in Westbrook High School next week. Since 2005, Maine Supreme Judicial Court has heard oral arguments in in more than 90 actual appellate cases in 32 high schools around Maine. When the cases eventually are decided, the schools will receive the court’s written decisions.
10-17-17 Slippery Slope
Part 1: Ray’s feathers are all ruffled up this morning about the removal of To Kill a Mockingbird a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. The plot and characters are loosely based on Lee’s observations of her family, her neighbors and an event that occurred near her hometown of Monroeville, Alabama, in 1936, when she was 10 years old. The story is told by the six-year-old Jean Louise Finch. What’s next? What are they going to replace this book with? Ellie Espling, David Jones, Jack Cianchette, Demi Kouzounas and Gordon Draper join the discussion.
Part 2: Ray is still ruffled in this segment and polls the Roundtable on their thoughts and feelings.
10-17-17 Books, Books, Books
There was quite a discussion about books and how they can take you to great imaginary places. The Harry Potter series was talked about because it got kid reading again.
10-17-17 What’s good for the goose….
Jack Cianchette, Gordon Draper, David Jones and Ray Richardson discuss the double standard in the political world. Why is it okay for Bill Clinton to use his power to intimidate and consider women play toys in the White House, but President Trump was villified for locker room talk.