Segment 1: Ray Richardson opens up with a prayer for all of the people of Maine, the victims, the victim’s families, the first responders. James Corrigan (reporter for WMTW Channel 8) joins with an update on the shooting situation in Lewiston.
Segment 2: Ray plays a bagpipe rendition of Amazing Grace and then gives a preview of the show.
Segments 3-4: Johnny Maffei (WGME Channel 13) gives us an update on the unfolding events in Lewiston. Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) shares how he found out and checked on the people that he knows. He is amazed at how it has impacted his friends that have spent time in Maine, and Brad Dyer (Hometown Senior Solutions) shares his thoughts as well.
Segment 5: Sofia Pride joins Ray after he gives a little bit of his line-up this mornings show. She gives her thoughts on how she found out and how it is affecting her personally. He then takes calls.
Segment 6: Ray shares some more of his thoughts and then takes a call.
Segments 7: Dave Ciullo (Career Management Services and host of The H.R. PowerHour on WLOB Radio) joins by phone and the talk about community and how to be a good neighbor.
Segment 8: Ray takes calls.
Segment 9: Ray offers up another prayer. Dov Sacks (Independence Law Maine) joins and shares his thoughts. Brian Cummings (Veterans Forward), talks about the mental health aspects of what Veterans Forward are trained to deal with. Brian shares his text number (207-651-2678) or Email for a quick response. Dave from Punta Gorda calls in.
Segment 10: Ray talks about the information that he has and explains that he won’t give out information until it has been confirmed as fact. He takes an emotional call from Al from Saco, and more.
Segment 11: Ray and Dov have a conversation about Free Will and making sense of the tragic events from last night. Brad shares some of his thoughts and Sofia also talks about how she is dealing with this as a teenager.
Segment 12: Ray reads a text from Diedra in Auburn.
Segments 13-14: Mike Gallagher joins Ray as they simulcasts their shows. Ray shares with Mike and his audience the information that he knows, they discuss the 2nd Amendment, and more. Ray and Dov have a quick discussion about being a good neighbor. They take calls.
Segment 15: Johnny Maffei (WGME Channel 13) gives us another update on the tragedy and hunt for the gunman in Lewiston and Lisbon areas. He stresses that if you see anything out of the ordinary, call the police and let them check it out. They take calls.
Segment 16: Ray asks Dee Dee and Dov to share their thoughts and feelings about last night’s events.