Ray continues his thoughts about the United Nations and Trump’s speech.
09-20-17 Trump’s UN Speech & Rachel Sutherland
Ray starts out analyzing Trump’s speech to the UN yesterday. He posted it on his website. Then Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland gives incite to Navy 2 Deadly Collisions/Change of rules for Operations at Sea.
09-19-17 The Truth about Medicaid
Ray and David Jones get down to the nitty gritty of the whole Sen. Collins and the rest of Congress wanting you to “SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!” and Medicaid façade.
09-19-17 Jon Decker & DACA
Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker and Ray discuss the lawsuits that have been brought up because of DACA. California and other states need to look at the legality of the cases coming into the courts. Is it legal to sue if there isn’t an injured party. DACA hasn’t even happened yet. We keep electing people to office that actually don’t do anything. Medicare expansion is not necessary for Maine.