Part 1: David Ciullo of Career Management Associates and host of HR Power Hour joins Bob Witkowski and Peter McFarland to discuss controversial discussions in the workpace. Private and public workplaces don’t have the same freedoms of speech. How does social media play into employees rights vs employer’s rights.
Part 2: Peter and Ray talk about the ESPN Jemele Hill for her comments but other’s did for theirs. Double Standard?
09-21-17 Joe Amoral – Kaplan University
Joe Amoral, Medical Assisting Chair, talk about how Kaplan’s initiative of getting and education in a more convenient way. Campuses in South Portland, Lewiston and Augusta. Purdue will be purchasing Kaplan University in an effort to meet and exceed the increasing needs of online education. The temporary name of the new ‘campus’ will be “Purdue NewU.”
09-21-17 100 Things to do in Portland Before You Die
Bob Witkowski fills us in on what’s happening in Portland Maine this weekend. He talks about the Octoberfest at Novare Res Bier Cafe. Check it out.
09-21-17 What a Beautiful Day to Talk about Healthcare
Part 1: Ray is ranting about the Healthcare reform and it was crazy…..he was all over the place. Bob Witkowski brought us coffee and sunrise talk….