Segment 1: Ray Richardson starts off with a publication and the two Constitutional scholars that have said that Donald Trump isn’t eligible to be on the ballot in Maine.
Segment 2: Ray continues with the ballot discussion.
Segment 3: Tyler Thomas and Ray discuss . Gunny Mike joins to talk about the weakness of the US dollar, the white liberal and youth, and more.
Segment 4: The gang talks about the Beatles and the movie Yesterday.
Segment 5: Mike Mercer (F3 Defense) joins the fun. They discuss the Windham Town Council and the City Clerk position being appointed or elected. There is no recall measure for that position.
Segment 6: Ray says that it is a shame that you couldn’t be bothered to vote in the election, but gives kudos to Rep. Barbara Bagshaw for her Yeoman’s work to get the information to people.
Segment 7: They boys welcome Former Sen. Scott Brown after talking about the 65 inch TV that Tyler is donating to the Richardson Family Golf Tourney to benefit The Travis Mills Foundation. They talk about the FREE No B.S. Barbeque event starting at 6pm Mike Pence on Monday (Labor Day) and some of the next couple of weeks lineup of guests of Presidential Hopefuls. It will be held in Rye NH on May 24th at 261 Central Road in Rye, NH. For more information: find him on Twitter (@ScottBrown).
Segment 8: Dr. Demi Kouzounas join the gang. She shares her experience in Milwaukee.
Segments 9-10: Aaron Libby (Libby and Son U-Pick) has been nominated for Best Apple Orchards in the Country! They talk about the contest and what is going on at the farm. Help them get win, you can vote every day. Vote here for the Best Apple Orchard by USA Today! Drones in New York policing backyard parties, Kenny Cianchette (Erik’s Church in Windham) join the panel. They talk about Bud Light and other local breweries, interest rates, minimum wage, and more.
Segment 11: Ray announces the Jobs Report information and re-introduces the panel. Demi gives a shout-out to Mac and Topher and learn that Tyler knows his wife. They talk about the weekend and upcoming week at Erik’s Church and Mike tells us where he will be this week with F3 Defense. They talk about Milwaukee and the Presidential Debate and the candidates.
Segment 12: Ray asks Tyler about sweatshirt.
Segment 13: Kenny has to run, but the rest are still here. They talk about Sage Steele and her ESPN exit. They also talk about riots, gunfire into the air, 2nd Amendment, and more.
Segment 14: Ray shares information about Demi being celebrated for all of her hard work for the GOP.
Segment 15: Ray and the gang talks about some of the great fundraiser events coming up in Maine and the Travis Mills Foundation. They take calls.
Segment 16: Ray wraps up the show.