Dr. Tom “Dr. No” Coburn, Former United States Senator, Oklahoma, is joining the Political Round Table today. He will also be the keynote speaker for the ME Heritage Policy Center’s Freedom & Opportunity Luncheon today. David Jones, Ellie Espling, Demi Kouzounas, Gordon Draper, and Ray Richardson
Part 1: Introductions
Part 2: Sen. Susan Collins, How to Make America Great Again.
09-12-17 Jeff Monosso Irma Clean Up
Ray and Gordon Draper are talking to Fox News Radio’s Jeff Monosso about the damage and clean up from Hurricane Irma. He urges people to “Safety First”. Power lines that are down an live, bridges that have been hit are stable.
09-12-17 Rachel Sutherland North Korea Sanctions
Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland gives us an update on the sanctions on North Korea. Action is more important that words. China is stuck in the middle of not upsetting the United States and North Korea. Iran and North Korea are colluding?
09-11-17 Paul from Florida
Paul a caller and fan from Ormond Beach, Florida gives us an update in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.