08-06-24 Tuesday
Segment 1: Ray Richardson starts with Billy Joel’s song “We didn’t Start The Fire” and uses it as an example as he describes the last few weeks in the world. Segment 2: Ray talks about the clip of Rep. Jamie … Continue reading →
Segment 1: Ray Richardson starts with Billy Joel’s song “We didn’t Start The Fire” and uses it as an example as he describes the last few weeks in the world. Segment 2: Ray talks about the clip of Rep. Jamie … Continue reading →
Segment: 1-2: Ray Richardson plays some of the clips that tell the truth about the Democrats and shares his thoughts. He also talks about the Olympics, and more. Segments 3-4: Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner) joins Ray and Dee Dee … Continue reading →
Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson is irritated by the flip-flop of the Kamala Harris in almost everything that she has been touting from the de-fund the police to her ethnicity. Ray plays clips. He also discusses the plea deal taken by … Continue reading →
Segment 1-4: Ray Richardson plays clips and comments on the clips from the Senate inquiry into the Secret Service’s protection of Former President Trump’s especially at the rally in Butler, PA. The Senate questioned Acting U.S. Secret Service (USSS) Director … Continue reading →