09-12-18 9/11
Part 1: Ray, David Jones and Paul Cooleen are joined by State Sen. Bill Diamond. Paul was working in New York at the time of the 9/11 attack. He was actually in the Trade Center on the 26th floor at … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray, David Jones and Paul Cooleen are joined by State Sen. Bill Diamond. Paul was working in New York at the time of the 9/11 attack. He was actually in the Trade Center on the 26th floor at … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray and David Jones, owner of FO Bailey Real Estate, are joined by Paul Cooleen of Movement Mortgage. Paul explains the mission of his company. They are a faith-based mortgage company and offer more than just mortgages. Every … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray and Debi are joined by Rep. Rich Cebra, David Jones and Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling. They talk about the supreme court nomination and abortion. They end up talking about how votes are just a snapshot of a … Continue reading →
Part 1: Debi plays Whitney Houston’s version of The Star Spangled Banner in Remembrance of the 9-11 attack. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins Ray and they talk about the Penagon’s Light Display to remember the 184 people that perished … Continue reading →