02-25-21 Thursday
Part 1: Ray Richardson reflects on the election in Georgia and he stresses that it is time to get off your behind and get up and work to get them out of office. He also mentions the three dozen House … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray Richardson reflects on the election in Georgia and he stresses that it is time to get off your behind and get up and work to get them out of office. He also mentions the three dozen House … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the new proposed Covid Relief plan and how much of it is actually related to the pandemic, Joe Biden’s promises, VP Harris, and more. He takes a call from a nursing home care worker … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray Richardson catches up on the weekend news cycles including, the Texas weather, media outrage toward Sen. Ted Cruz, media double standard over Cruz and Cuomo, the proposed wording of the Oath of Navy servicemembers, the brilliant red … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray Richardson gives tribute to Rush Limbaugh on his passing by playing his theme song, describing his contribution to radio, life, politics and his never ending fight. He takes calls with memories of Rush. Part 2: Ray quickly … Continue reading →