02-25-20 Trump Tuesday
Part 1: Ray starts off talking about the Beatles and their music. Then he gives a shout out to Rowe Ford Auto Group and names off some of the great people that make Rowe Great. He starts with how he … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray starts off talking about the Beatles and their music. Then he gives a shout out to Rowe Ford Auto Group and names off some of the great people that make Rowe Great. He starts with how he … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray plays a clip from President Trump’s trip to India. Ray commentates that most of the media have not covered this trip. Ray talks about Bernie Sanders’ ability to draw a crowd and how the media pretends to … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray and Joe Bruno work together to cause mischief. This first segment touches on a lot of subjects. They talk about Maine Sen. Bill Diamond and the reason that he wouldn’t be able to be in studio this … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray plays a little clip of the President’s rally from last night when he was celebrating a WWII veteran. Ray describes the scene. Ray also talks about the Democratic Candidates Debate last night. He talks about how they … Continue reading →