11-15-19 Friday
Part 1: Ray plays a clip from last night Trump’s rally in Louisiana. He talks about the great people of our nation and how when you lift someone up they are able to achieve greatness. He talks about how the … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray plays a clip from last night Trump’s rally in Louisiana. He talks about the great people of our nation and how when you lift someone up they are able to achieve greatness. He talks about how the … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray starts off the show with Big Tent music to set the stage of the Impeachment Inquiry. Ray explains the rules to Dee Dee, who asks whether or not the Republicans have to participate. He looses his temper … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray is talks about the “witch hunt” as the fake journalism and the Democrats that are “leading” the House and Senate don’t like the “light” that President Trump is shining on all of the players. Ray talks about … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray plays Whitney Houston’s National Anthem. Ray tells us about his conversation with his friend Ira Lockhart and his service. Ray delves into the history of Veteran’s Day and when it started and why. Part 2: Ray opens … Continue reading →