07-01-19 Happy July!!
Part 1: Ray gives a quick once over of some of the headlines that happened over the weekend. There was a lot going on. He talks about the amount of pressure via emails that the Democrats are sending out to … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray gives a quick once over of some of the headlines that happened over the weekend. There was a lot going on. He talks about the amount of pressure via emails that the Democrats are sending out to … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray describes the event we attended last night in Augusta. We attended the Maine RNC’s Chairman’s Reception. He talks about the Democratic Debate that was held and some of the crazy ideas that they have come up with. … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi discuss last night’s Democratic “Debate”. They talk about some of the candidates and their thoughts on how to improve America. They talk about Cory Booker and his racist comments about the black and … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray reads the court ruling about Chick Fil A down in San Antonio at their taxpayer funded airport. This lets Debi surprise him with a song about Chick Fil A. Then, Ray talks a little bit Eric Trump … Continue reading →