06-12-19 Fathers
Part 1: Ray talks about the bump music by Lauren Daigle. He talks about the Maine House passed a local option sales tax. He reminds the audience of Gov. Mills’ promise not to raise taxes so will she sign it … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray talks about the bump music by Lauren Daigle. He talks about the Maine House passed a local option sales tax. He reminds the audience of Gov. Mills’ promise not to raise taxes so will she sign it … Continue reading →
Part 1: Debi Davis, Dee Dee Richardson and Ray discuss trivial stuff…sports, wrestle Mania, and the rain and Ray’s morning walk. Ray previews the show. Fox News Radio’s Eben Brown will call in with an update on Big Papi’s condition … Continue reading →
Part 1: Joe Bruno is really frustrated and he shares why… He starts off with his town and the library wanting more money to cover the upcoming mandatory minimum wage increase and his state reps comments if your business can’t … Continue reading →
Part 1: Debi opens the show this morning with Eisenhower’s D-Day speech. General Dwight D Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe in World War II and led the D-Day landings. This leads to Ray get … Continue reading →