05-24-18 FBI
Ray and Bob talk about the Hoover era of the FBI and how he was the one in charge of Washington because of all of the secrets he had on everybody. The boys take a call from a frequent caller … Continue reading →
Ray and Bob talk about the Hoover era of the FBI and how he was the one in charge of Washington because of all of the secrets he had on everybody. The boys take a call from a frequent caller … Continue reading →
Bob Witkowski is from Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to do in Portland Maine Before You Die. He and Ray tell the audience about some of the fun things to do and this week is the Portland Harbor. … Continue reading →
Part 1: In this segment of the AARP Maine, Jane Margesson brings in York County Sheriff Bill King to remind and inform our listeners of some of the scams that are happening and targeting people. People need to check … Continue reading →