05-03-18 Good Mornin’
Ray starts the day with a great big Thank You to the Maine House Republicans for standing firm on their vote to adjourn. Now they are being blamed because business wasn’t taken care of.
Continue reading →Ray starts the day with a great big Thank You to the Maine House Republicans for standing firm on their vote to adjourn. Now they are being blamed because business wasn’t taken care of.
Continue reading →Part 1: Ray talks about how today is Veto day in Augusta. He goes on a tangent…..lots of things hit. He touches on sessions starting late and we need to hold them accountable. The Speaker hasn’t done her job efficiently … Continue reading →
Part 1: Ray pokes fun at the citizen’s referendum process. He has a lot of fun with the marijuana bill that we have in Augusta because of the people’s referendum and how the bills that go before the public to … Continue reading →
Part 1: This morning Conner Richardson is here to represent F. O. Bailey Real Estate. He is a newer agent and he describes the process to become an agent. He explains why working with an agent you can trust is … Continue reading →