Part 1: Ray exclaims that it is a beautiful day in the great state of Maine. Then he goes off on US Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Governor Mills. He talks about the Democratic members of Congress that couldn’t bother to show up to work. He is frustrated that the people of America show up to work, but the people that have never gotten a paycheck from anywhere but the Government, couldn’t show up. The Republicans sued her to come back to work in Washington and Pelosi called it a “stunt”. Ray gives a civics lesson and then gives some really important information about what is truly happening now. He asks if the Constitution has any mention of a Dictator type of government.
Part 2: Ray talks about sheep…human sheep. The state of Maine is under a Dictator’s thumb. The wolves are starting to show their teeth because they have had enough. State Representative Rich Cebra is on the line. Rich says there are actually sheep, wolves and the sheepdog and explains what he means. He is really frustrated that Mills has used her broad brush and lumped all Cumberland county as equal. Western Cumberland county is completely rural and shouldn’t be compared to Portland. He is so mad he can hardly speak. This is a violation of the 4th Amendment Rights and the HIPPA Laws and have exposed the biased nature of the media. Rich owns Steamboat Landing Mini Golf. They discuss the lack of trust between the government agencies and business owner. The summer is where Maine makes the most of their money and we will be losing this revenue. Ray takes a call from an employee of Profenno’s in Westbrook, about having to be closed. He takes a call from Paul of Ormand Beach Florida. He jokes about the need for a haircut. He asks if Governor Mills has ever seen or read the Constitution. Bill of Casco calls in and he says if Rich and Profenno’s open, he will come to visit. He explains a run-in with a lady over wearing a mask.
Part 3: Ray is still all fired up. The Executive Branch is basically all three branches in one. Ray welcomes Jim Grattelo. He owns, Joker’s, Turfs and the Gold Room and the Sportsdome. He also lives and is on the City Council in Naples. Jim reads a press release about closing Joker’s. He says that she is taking a broad brush to every business. He says that people know how to run their business, if the customers feel safe and comfortable then their business will succeed. The customers should decide whether or not a business succeeds. The boys discuss her qualifications to make these mandates. They talk about the Gold Room and Michelle’s perfect rating. Jim talks about the New England Products Trade Show and other lost revenues. They talk about the amount of other businesses have closed. Ray says that there was no warning that this and she could have made this decision before all of the restaurants have placed their food and beverage. Ray says that the Legislature is abdicated their responsibility to the Maine people. Jim talks about the PPP money that will be used up and the unemployment rates are going to jump higher than they can handle. They talk about the inconsistency of the unemployment payments. They also talk about encouraging people to spy on businesses and people not “complying” to Dictator Janet Mills.
Part 4: Ray talks about Covid numbers and the Governor’s “reasoning” behind the mandates that have been handed down. Ray calls out Maine’s Speaker Sara Gideon and Senate President Troy Jackson. He also calls on all of the Republicans in office to stand up and do something. He says even if you have a sit in and try and pressure them to call the Legislature back into session. Maine is heading down a desperate path and desperate people take desperate measures. Ray welcomes Dave Ciullo our human resource guru. He hosts the HR PowerHour on WLOB Radio at 10am on Saturdays. He also owns Career Management Associates. They discuss the employee and the unemployment issues that Maine is having. They talk about the fraud issues that are happening within that system. The boys talk about the “badge” on businesses and Dave explains what he means by the signage. They also talk about the liability of owning a business and that communication is key.
Part 5: Ray talks about the obtuse nature of Dr. Shah and Governor Mills. All of the restaurants that have lost money, time, sweat and tears because they had the hope of opening and then had the rug pulled out from underneath them without warning. Ray asks what do you have to lose by disregarding their order and opening anyway. He takes a call from Arthur Langley who says it isn’t Mills, it is worse than that. He names names of the people that we have to watch out for and who are really pulling the strings. Ray takes another call and they are having a rally up in Augusta today at noon in support of all restaurants. He reminds the law enforcement community that they are suppose to protect the Constitution. The caller also asks where are the elected people that are suppose to be looking out for us. They talk about the pressure that would be put on the Speaker and Senate President if the elected people did a sit in. There is another caller on the line and they talk about the financial state of Maine and the credit rating of Moody’s and other bond ratings. Does she really not know what the numbers are as she tells us in her press conferences or did she lie to the credit reporters. Which is it?
Part 6: Ray plays Sledgehammer. He sends it out to Dr. Shah. In his own words, that’s how he has been treating Maine’s Covid issue. Ray continues with that he hates it when someone is bullied or has been wronged. He says that if he owned a business, he would open up. Ray talks about the 2pm mourning of the Covid deaths by Dr. Shah. Ray asks why is a Covid death more important or sad than anyone else’s death. He is worried that desperate people will take to desperate measures.