Part 1: Ray Richardson talks about the death of George Floyd and the aftermath. The protests that have gotten out of control and turned violent and full of looting and destruction. He talks about some of the hoodlums the have killed, destroyed property and raising fear. Ray asks where is the outrage when the black man kills a black man, there isn’t any, there is no money in that fight. He turns to the admiration and accomplishments of Martin Luther King and why he was so successful in his mission.
Part 2: Ray plays part of a MLK speech. He comments how King would be ashamed of how they are “protesting”. He would have been fighting for words, not looting.
Part 3: Ray talks about the “good guy” that let us down, but you can’t judge a book by its cover. There are good law enforcement officers whose jobs have just gotten a lot harder and more dangerous.
Part 4: Ray talks about the “leaders” of our country speaking out. He calls out Governor Mills for the lack of her voice when the Portland Police station was vandalized. Where is she? He continues with the lies from the left to control the narrative. He goes back to the lies that the leadership in Maine have been telling us and the people that have stripped us of our Constitutional rights have stood silent in the wake of George Floyd’s death. Ray talks to a caller that is frustrated that they didn’t charge him in the first place, but wanted to wait for the autopsy. Ray says that we can’t throw out due process.
Part 5: Ray talks about the thugs that have been hurting shopkeepers and business owners so that they can steal from them. Ray poses the question how does that help the cause?
Part 6: Ray talks to Ken Cianchette of Eric’s Church Bar and Grill in Windham and Chef Dave Mallari from the Sinful Kitchen in Portland. They talk about the guidelines that they have worked to meet, just to be shut down before they could open, the food costs and employees, the Governor’s new “plan” to “help” the cost of losing all of the food that they have ordered. Some of the creative things that they have done to try and survive.
Part 7: Ray talks about the coward and now fired and arrested murderer of George Floyd. He talks about the protest verses looters and thieves that have destroyed the neighborhoods in our cities. He talks about the land of milk and honey and asks the question “what must the immigrants be thinking of our country and people?” Martin Luther King would be ashamed of how we are behaving. National Committee Director of New England Communications, Nina McLaughlin joins Ray to talk about the Democrats. The Maine Democrats posted up Arise and Organize Rally to include all of the leading Democrats and she said that Presidential Candidate and Former Vice President Joe Biden was suppose to have been on this video and ended up pulling it out at the last second. Nina thought this was going to be live people speaking, but she said there wasn’t a single live feed. They were all pre-recorded messages that were basically campaign ads. Ray goes back to Janet Mills and her lack of comments on the protests. Ray gives the May Edition of the Richardson Magazine a plug.
Part 8: Rich Cebra calls in and chats with Ray about the Information Act and the numbers of Covid-19 and how it is being reported. Rich quotes State Senator Bill Diamond from an article out of the Bangor Daily News (BDN). Ray talks about the way that Dr. Shah reports his numbers of Covid-19. Rich says that he has gotten 28 other Representatives over the state of Maine to sign on to this FOIA petition.
Part 9: Ray talks about the focus needs to get back to the American tragedy of George Floyd. We won’t find out what the truth is and the focus has been taken away with the actions of hoodlums. Ray welcomes Lynda Adams and Co-Principal Jeff Guerette. They talk about the Scarborough High School and Westbrook High School graduations happening on Saturday at Rock Row. Ray talks about how the 2020 Class of Graduates have been robbed of a lot of the rites of passage. Linda mentions a couple people and companies that are helping to make this event a special, memorable event. They talk about the fireworks that will happen after graduation.