Part 1: Joe Bruno is really frustrated and he shares why… He starts off with his town and the library wanting more money to cover the upcoming mandatory minimum wage increase and his state reps comments if your business can’t handle the fees and things implemented by Augusta, then maybe you shouldn’t be in business. This leads to a bill about defibrillators being required in pharmacies and other businesses and a discussion about the costs of the machines and training. Who would be paying for all of these new expenses.
Part 2: Ray and Joe play a the Fox News network live as they have an interview/discussion about “Death with Dignity”. They reference Maine’s bill that will be crossing Governor Mills’ desk soon.
Part 3: Ray plays Dean Martin and gives a preview of the upcoming segments, including Shawn Moody and the WWII Tuskegee pilot, Lt. Col. Harry Stewart.
Part 4: Ray gives a shout out to Tyler Brackett. Westbrook held their 2019 Class Night and Tyler was honored to receive the Milton Philbrook Award. The boys welcome Shawn Moody in studio and State Sen. Jeff Timberlake by phone. He and Joe have quite the “Discussion” after Ray asks the Senator about the budget.
Part 5: They continue the story of what is coming up and Jeff says that it will be a long summer.
Part 6: Ray, Joe Bruno and Shawn Moody have the privilege to have Lt. Col. Harry Stewart one of only a few living WWII Tuskegee pilot in the 332nd Fighter Group (the Red Tails) join them by phone. He answers several questions about his experience before, during and after the war. He has a book that just came out. Soaring to Glory: A Tuskegee Airman’s Firsthand Account of World War II by Philip Handleman in collaboration with Lt. Col. Harry Stewart Jr. (Regnery History; $29.99). The boys discuss the honor and privilage it was to have Lt. Col. Stewart and some of the other WWII veterans in studio.
Part 7: Ray is still in awe of the interview with Lt. Col. Stewart. He expands his thought on the conversations with some of the men that make up the Greatest Generation. He gives a little history of the how and why we ended up in WWII in the first place. He stresses that the men that he has interviewed this week were in their teens (your high school graduate’s age) when they joined to fight to save the world. Ray starts off talking about some of the great people he has met over the years and Ruth Knowles. He gives a brief description of who she was and how he got to know her. Then he takes a call from Larry and they have a conversation about America and how we need to be a country worth the lives of the people that serve to keep America safe.
Part 8: Ray reads about Bud Thorne. (Cpl. Horace Marvin “Bud” Thorne, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Battle of the Bulge– Germany’s last major offensive in its western theater in World War II.) how he knew who he was. He was Ruth’s brother that was killed in action and he reads from his book about him.
Part 9: Ray talks about the May Jobs Report that came out and the tariffs on Mexico. Ray takes a call from Arthur Langley and pleads people to go to the veterans homes throughout the country and give the vets a hug and let them know that they are appreciated.
Part 10: Ray reiterates what a privilege it was to have Lt. Col. Harry Stewart on this morning. He and Joe teared up during the interview. He talks about the Christopher Scott Cash Run on June 22nd and who he was and what is done in memory of him. This year they are benefiting Veterans Count Maine! For more information: Ray reads a text about wear RED on Friday and reads what that stands for. He then goes back to his thoughts on the budget and whether or not there will be a government shutdown.