Part 1: Ray and Debi chat this morning about some of the overnight current event. Ray reminds people of the Honor Flight Remote at Rowe Ford Westbrook. Ray tells Debi about The King County Airport in Seattle. They end up with the discussion about the elected folks not “getting it done”. He talks about Mitt Romey, Jeb Bush and they are used as examples. Ray gives a history lesson on the legislature and how we got into the situation we are in as a country. Also the difference between a statesman and today’s elected people.
Part 2: David Jones is back in the house. They discuss Former FBI director James Comey and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch. She has accused former FBI Director James Comey of mis-characterizing her statements by repeatedly alleging, under oath, that Lynch privately instructed him to call the Hillary Clinton email probe a “matter” instead of an “investigation.” A transcript of her testimony was released on Monday by House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins, R-Ga.
Part 3: Ray, Debi and David discuss Gov. Mills’ budget. Ray says that the Republicans could just stop fighting and let them do what they want. (Still voting against them, but let them impost their craziness).
Part 4: Ray, David and Dee Dee welcome Garrett Mason and Ben Dudley joins by phone. They discuss the CMP (Central Maine Power) Connect that has been proposed to run through Maine from Canada to Massachusetts. He is the Director of Mainers for Clean Energy Jobs. It is a coalition of organizations and individuals who support the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC). The PUC has requested a study and has giving no direction or money to pay for it. Ray talks about “Dark Money”. They talk about climate change and why are all of the Democrats that are “for” climate change are now against it. Garrett asks Ben a question about who get the energy and how will Mainers benefit. Ray asks him how supply and demand works. They also discuss how it will affect property taxes in Lewiston. LD 640 is being voted on today. Call your representative and voice your opinion (nicely) and JUST SAY NO! They are trying to change the rules in the middle of the game.
Part 5: The panel is joined by Carrol Conley of Christian Civic League. They talk about the “Right to Die” and abortion issues that are before Maine’s Legislature. But first they talk about the Franklin Graham Destination America Northeast Tour. They talk about the hypocrisy of Maine’s legislature by allowing non-doctor personnel to preform an abortion, but wouldn’t allow a non-dentist to pull a tooth. They talk about some of the “exceptions” in the abortion argument. Carrol makes sure that you know the need to hold the legislature accountable for their vote.
Part 6: Ray and Garrett talk about the 129th Maine Legislature. They have now gone to three sessions a day trying to get all of the stuff done before their deadline. Garrett expects the budget to keep going up. The government will shutdown on July 1 if they don’t get their budget passed. The Republicans have said that they won’t support a lot of changes that matter that Gov. LePage has put into place. Ray talks about the worker’s comp bill that will roll it back to the 1980’s. Garrett explains what that means. Ray says that businesses will be picking up and moving if some of these over-regulations continue to be heaped on business and small businesses will end up having to close. Garrett is so upset about the forced vaccination bill that is being proposed. Ray asks where on any of the elected folks pamphlets or ads did they say what they had in mind if elected. Garrett, Ray and David all agree that this is nothing but a steady march toward Socialism.
Part 7: Ray and the panel discuss an Op-Ed piece in the Portland Press Herald about immigration written by an immigrant. This leads to talking about how people come here to change the way we do things. Garrett takes about “Helping People Where They Are”, not just bringing the biggest and brightest from their country, but help them raise their country up. They talk about the differences and what holds us together.
Part 8: Ray thanks his guests, David Jones and Garrett Mason, for the great conversations on today’s show. Ray talks about the organizations that profit off of the backs of the down-trodden and innocent.