Part 1: Ray and David Jones welcome Maine Rep. Nate Wadsworth and from the Constitution Awareness Pact, Caleb Ness and Isaac Hadam. They discuss why they formed this pact and how they have been perceived within their peers. Somehow they get to the discussion on abortion and infanticide. Caleb tells his thoughts on the differences of the left and right and how they tackle ideas.
Part 2: Newly Elected County Chairwoman Ellie Espling joins the group. (Congrats Ellie!!!) Ray mentions the Electoral Vote compact and they touch the ramifications. More to come.
Part 3: The panel discusses Nate’s District proudly representing the towns of Hiram, Porter, Brownfield, Fryeburg, Lovell. The panel talks about the money with people migrating across the border. They talk about how people have moved to Maine, get elected and want to change the way of life. This brings Ray back to the Electoral Vote and he lays it out in plain speak. He explains about how different a campaign would have to be if it is voted on by popular or electoral vote. He believes that this is an act of treason (def: the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.). Unfortunately, due we had technical difficulty.
Part 4: The panel chat about the Constitutional Awareness Pact and their website and Facebook page. They explain their mission. Ray reads a text question from a listener and he answers and clarify his thoughts.
Part 5: The panel continues the discussion on the Constitution and how Un-Constitutional the compact for votes is and how it will disenfranchise our vote. YOUR VOTE WILL NOT MATTER.
Part 6: The panel continue the discussion on the Electoral Vote compact bill and calling your Representative, Senator and the Governor.
Part 7: The constitutional rights, states rights, popular vote, electoral vote, we need to educate our youth. Even the elected folks don’t understand or know what is in the Constitution. Ray points out why we don’t have border security.
Part 8: Ray reintroduces everyone in the studio. He asks Nate what we as citizens should be looking out for coming out of Augusta. The panel talks about Gov. Mills and current Legislature and the looming recession that is bound to happen.
02-25-19 New England Products
Part 1: Ray welcome Kathleen O’Brien, representing Stonewall Kitchen, and Roger and Sarah Buzby, owners of Mainely Coffee and Kathleen McCormick of Atwater Children Boutique on the phone. Three of the businesses that will be at the New England Made Giftware and Specialty Food Products, NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Each of the companies tell some of the products and their company story.
Part 2: Ray compares FO Bailey, the oldest incorporated company in Maine to Mainely Coffee, just a year old. They also discuss some of their products and why they started their business.
02-25-19 Maine LD 671
Part 1: Ray, Dee Dee, Debi and David Jones of FO Bailey Real Estate is joined by Darryl Chandler of Focused Property. He is a home inspector and is here to discuss some of the regulations that Augusta has in store for Maine. Maine LD 671: An Act To Require Professional Licensure for Property Inspectors” which is a movement to license home inspectors. They attempted to do this before, 20 years ago and it hasn’t been brought up since. Ray’s question is why now. They talk about whether or not this is necessary. David asks who sponsored it. It is and he is an energy auditor and first time representative. There was no contact to the industry before the submission of this bill. Contact Darryl at or 207-839-6569, ext. 1.
Part 2: Ray and David continue to talk about the Maine Legislature and their plans to make Maine’s vote irrelevant.