Part 1: Ray talks about yesterday’s football games. He also hits on the President’s offer to the Dems to end the shutdown. Before the ink was even dry, Speaker Pelosi and other Democrat Leaders have no interest in talking.
Part 2: David Jones joins Ray. They talk about the snow, David’s trip to Florida and of course the Patriots.
Part 3: Ray wants to make sure everyone pays real attention to how bad the media has become. He talks about two different stories. He talks about how journalism used to be a noble profession, but now they are a bunch of scoundrels. He wants to know why the Woman’s March is being covered, but the March for Life has been ignored. He also talks about the high school boys wearing MAGA hats and the Native American man’s confrontation and the media’s coverage.
Part 4: Ray is still on the media and then talks about securing the southern border. He also talks about the drugs pouring in to our country.
01-18-19 Joe Bruno Friday
Part 1: Ray and Joe Bruno talk about the US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Pres. Trump’s disputes over the State of the Union Address and Pelosi’s scheduled trip to Afghanistan. They take a call about whether or not Pres. Obama would have done what Trump has done.
Part 2: The boys talk about the snow heading our way. The discussion turns to football and the games this weekend. They take a call regarding the last segment and Pres. Obama’s “wall” around the National monument during his shutdown.
Part 3: Ray and Joe continue to talk about the government shutdown and Pelosi trip.
Part 4: They talk about the pharmaceutical business. The pharmacies don’t make a lot of money. They don’t set prices, the drug companies are making all of the money. Which leads to the discussion about Gov. Mills’ plans. They also talk about Hannah Pingree and why/how is she qualified to head of the new Office of Innovation and the Future. The new department is suppose to be finding innovative ways to tackle the opioid crisis, expanding broadband statewide and other issues.
Part 5: Ray and Joe talk about the border and the drugs coming into our country, the American kids that need help and before illegal immigrants.
Part 6: The discussion is about media and the truth. They talk about the hunt for Trump and the level of dishonesty. Ray says that there is no honor left in our country, except in the military and first responders. They talk about faith, babies, abortion, government’s role.
Part 7: Ray reads a text message about hate/abortion and responds to it.
Part 8: Joe tells Ray about a faction that would like to make it so that there is open voting. Joe explains what that means. They take a call about Christianity and hating the actions, not the person. Abortion is a continued topic. Ray talks about the left’s priority and South Portland Rep. Lois Galgay Reckitt, who has sponsored bill LD 20, which will provide taxpayer funding of abortions in Maine.
Part 9: Joe asks if anyone out there is regretting their decision to vote for Gov. Mills. Ray says “its only been 2 weeks”. They take a call from Arthur Langley.
Part 10: Joe educates the public about how the bonds work. The bonds are released based on the fiscal health of the state. With every bond, we have to be able to pay for them. They talk about the referendum process. The boys talk about the “new/modern” Democrat party vs the “old/traditional” party. Ray brings up the inauguration bathroom signs. Ray brings up the New York gender X for their birth certificates.
Part 11: Ray and Joe talk about the state’s spending budget. Keep your eye on the ball. They talk about the state funding basically disability insurance for everyone with their paid sick leave bills. Joe brings up the plans that Ethan Strimling has for the city of Portland.
01-17-19 Pay Attention Folks
Part 1: Ray wants everyone to pay attention to what is really going on in Augusta. They might have some smooth words and sweet talk, but we have to know what Augusta has in store for us Mainers. Ray lays out some of his thoughts.
Part 2: Ray talks about Fox News and their new format. They have Lee Greenwood singing which leads to him talking about some of the other great ones that he has had the privilege of seeing in concert in their later years.
01-17-19 Maine Heritage Policy Center/James Broughel
Ray welcomes Mr. James Broughel, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and adjunct professor at the Antonin Scalia Law School. Mercatus Center have developed a unique tool known as “State RegData”, a platform for analyzing and quantifying state regulatory text. State RegData accomplishes this in mere minutes by connecting relevant keywords that can signify legal constraints and obligations such as “shall,” “must,” “may not,” “prohibited,” and “required.” He has done this for Maine. Here is the link for his results.
The Maine Heritage Policy Center holds regular business luncheons at DiMillo’s On the Water from 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Portland, ME. He will be speaking at today’s luncheon. The second event is an evening reception in the Optimus Room at the Regatta Banquet and Conference Center in Eliot, ME from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit their website: www. They also have an online publication: The Maine Wire.