Part 1: Ray and Debi start the morning. They are kind of all over the place. Ray talks about the “spankin'” Alabama got from Clemson. Then, hold on to your seats….Ray gets all over California.
Part 2: Ray and Debi talk about the Federal Government shutdown. Who is not getting paid and some of the things that are trying to be covered, (ie: paying Coast Guard and IRS). Then Ray reads a story from the Press Herald about the unsigned contract leaves Mills administration to decide how state’s new psychiatric center will be run.
Part 3: Ray, Dee Dee and Debi are joined by David Jones of Making Maine Great Again. They discuss David’s vacation in Puerto Rico and the aftermath of the devastation of Hurricane Maria in 2017. They talk about Maine’s new Governor and Legislature. The discussion turns to immigrants and the fact that they can’t work for two years. Ray reads a letter to the Editor in the Portland Press about LePage pardon and racism. The discussion is whether to elevate a story or not. They take a call, and continue with the thought.
Part 4: David talks about Rep. Hank Jackson, D-GA. He was concerned that too many people would make the island of Guam tip over. This is a link to the
01-07-19 Monday…Monday
Part 1: Ray and Debi talk about how cold it was last night. Debi asks him about his Mama’s visit and he says that she continues to talk about our church. They also discuss the New York law that went into affect about gender selections on a baby’s birth certificate.
Part 2: They talk about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and how she has become the media’s darling. What make the media choose which person they choose to highlight. Is it a
Part 3: Ray talks about a lifelong friend. She is a teacher down in Florida. She isn’t a wide-eyed liberal, but is pro-life. She understand the argument of pro-life until after the child is born, but then we forget about them. Ray disagrees that if the government doesn’t do something then they are forgotten. We shouldn’t be a government driven society.
Part 4: Ray addresses what we can do. The Democrats have already started and he talks about their fundraising efforts. They take a call who blames LePage and Trump for the loss. He says that they placed themselves ahead of the state/country. Other modern Presidents would have backed off of Kavanaugh, but Trump didn’t back down. They take another caller that disagrees with the last caller. They end up with the E-Verify program.
Part 5: Ray and Debi talk about the texts that Ray has been receiving about now that the Democrats are in office, what do we do now? Ray believes the conservative people got complacent in how well things were and just didn’t get out to vote to combat the Democratic machine.
Part 6: Ray expands on the “What can we do?” question. He says we need to go back to why we were so complacent in the last election. He then talks about the process of impeachment. Ray tries to explain the rolls of the House and Senate. The House can’t do anything without the Senate agreeing. They take a call about the lack of unity in our party.
Part 7: Ray talks about praying before a journey. Ray talks about how they are trying to get abortion passed and have the taxpayers pay for it.
Part 8: Ray starts off with Mary Mayhew and Tarren Bragden and what mischief they could do in Washington DC. Ray turns to the “What can we do?” question. He talks about how the left has gone after Susan Collins over the Kavenaugh hearings, after being their girl because Sen. Collins supports abortion. Ray reads part of a press release from Rep. Charlotte Warren of Hallowell about Sen. Collins.
Part 9: Ray continues to talks about the resources available to someone that is thinking about getting involved. We cannot continue to be “milk toast” as Charlotte Warren calls Sen. Susan Collins.
Part 10: Ray reads a story about a family returning from vacation was horrified after an audacious squatter tried to claim their home while they were away. He then talks briefly about the Golden Globes and how Christian Bale made his feelings about former vice president Dick Cheney quite clear. They talk about how the vulgar languish has become the standard. Debi blames the lack of education on the government programs. People are willing to let the government tell them what to do because they don’t know any different. Ray states that it all started with FDR.
Part 11: They talk about Carol Burnett. Ray reads an email about the President runs the country. Ray says that we shouldn’t be driving by government. That isn’t how our country was set up, it was with the intent that there was personal freedom.
01-04-19 Joe Bruno Friday
Part 1: Joe talks about his trip to New York a week before Christmas. He and Mrs. Bruno ate dinner at an Australian restaurant. They talk about eating kangaroo. They take a call who has eaten it before. Joe was disappointed in trip. It wasn’t awe inspiring. Even Tiffany’s was a disappointment, there was no excitement for Christmas.
Part 2: They have a quick discussion about grandchildren.
Part 3: Joe is concerned about the incoming Maine administrations. Joe is worried about retribution from some of the people in office. The talk about teachers and how they are paid. They also talk about the media. They talk about Gov. Mills and what she is willing to fight for. Will she stand up to the legislature. Ray feels that she will be fiscally responsible, but he worries about the social issues. They take a call about teachers and ends up with the vulgarity being used.
Part 4: Ray plays a clip from Fox and Friends about the slain police officer and a fundraiser to help pay off his mortgage.
Part 5: Ray and Joe talk about the media’s outrage that they changed a department name back when LePage first took office. However, when Gov. Mills did it, there was no mention at all about it. There number of jobs have gone up federally, but they are not reporting it. It is more important for them to get Pres. Trump out of office than it is to tell the truth.
01-04-19 It’s Friday!!!!
Part 1: Joe Bruno is in the house! He and Ray talk about The Good Life Market in Joe’s neck of the woods. They talk about Medicaid expansion and Gov. Mills signed it into law yesterday. They also talk about a new bond issue that came in for a study on the height of water in Maine.
Part 2: They talk about illegal immigration, which turns into Merkle and the One World Government.
Part 3: Ray talks about one of the first bills put in is to aid funding for an abortion. Lois Galgay Reckitt has sponsored the bill LD 20 to provide taxpayer funding of abortions in Maine.
Part 4: The boys start this segment with the Wall and Southern border. Ray stresses that he feels bad for the people that are caught up in the Federal Government Shutdown. They are talking about all of the elected people that are already talking about a recession is right around the corner. They talk about the surplus that LePage left and how quickly it will disappear. How are businesses especially in rural areas going to handle mandatory sick leave and $15 per hour wages.
Part 5: Joe explains how the pharmacy business works. The pharmacy doesn’t set the price of drugs, it is the pharmaceutical companies. Not to mention all of the payments from insurance companies and the state.