Part 1: Ray goes to Washington….he gives a detailed how the shutdown could be avoided….but will it happen. Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins Ray to continue this discussion.
Part 2: Ray takes a call from frequent caller Larry. They spent the segment chatting about Christmas and how it seems to be more welcoming and accepting.
Part 3: Ray pleads for someone to call in because he doesn’t want to talk about politics. He just wants to talks about Christmas and Christmas traditions.
Part 4: Ray relents and talks about politics a little.
Part 5: Ray talks about traditions and the fond memories.
12-20-18 That’s Thursday For Ya
Part 1: Ray plays Kenny Rogers/Home Free’s version Children Go Where I Send You and Ray talks about this song and this time of year. JJ Jeffery comes in to complement Ray for choosing it. Ray talks about how life is way to short and it is a tough, tough world and we need to stop and enjoy the season and appreciate the little things in life.
Part 2: Ray talks about DACA and what a farce it is. It was really important what was important then, would have continued to be important.
Part 3: Bob Witkowski of Visit Portland and author of 100 Things to Do in Portland, Maine Before You Die and the follow up 100 Things to Do in Portland, Maine Before You Die, 2nd Edition joins Ray to discuss some of the happenings around town, especially the Portland Symphony Orchestra and the Magic of Christmas. (Audio not available.)
Part 4: Ray, Bob and Dee Dee talk about the simple pleasures in life. Frequent caller Larry calls in to continue the discussion.
Part 5 & 6: Ray and Bob continue down the feel good path. Bob reminds us about the Botanical Gardens in Boothbay. The discussion on tradtions and kids continues. Bob talks about all of the wonderful things that Portland has to offer. Jay Baker calls in to wish us a Merry Christmas another Christmas tradition.
Part 7 : They talk about the Government shutdown and how that might really affect an individual.
Part 8 & 9: Ray gets frustrated about the Government Shutdown and looses his temper. He takes a call.
Part 10: Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland calls in to discuss the Government Shutdown and gives some scenarios. Ray gets frustrated because it is the Chess pawns that will end up getting hurt.
Part 11: Ray plays the Peanuts character, Linus’ version of Luke. Ray continues his frustration with the elected folks in Washington. A caller calls in to tell Ray about a Mike Rowe podcast about the Peanuts story. Ray plays Luciano Pavarotti‘s version of Oh Holy Night.
Part 12: Ray takes a call from Bill and he play Christmas music. Today was not a serious day.
12-19-18 AARP Maine/Preble Street
Part 1: Amy Gallant, Director for Advocacy and Outreach, AARP Maine join Ray with guests Dan D’Ippolito, Community Engagement Dir. and Heather Zimmerman, Advocacy Dir., both of Preble Street Resource Center. There will be Portland’s Annual Homeless Persons Memorial Vigil on Friday, Dec. 21 starting at 4:30. It is a candlelight procession that will start at the Preble Street Resource Center and proceed to Monument Square for a ceremony to dedicated to these persons who have died in the homeless community. Ray and the group discuss some of the obstacles faced. This is a two part interview.
12-19-18 US Army
Part 1: SGT Rafanan and LTC Anzalone from the Scarborough Station are joined by COL Wandler to discuss the women in uniform. They talk about the fears/challenges that women face and how they overcome and work as a team to succeed.
Part 2: They also discuss the school benefits and how you can continue to climb the ranks of service. The Army thrives by the personal growth of the “team”.
Part 3: Lisa Bird, Special Olympics of Maine, joins the group. Lisa is hear to promote the Lobster Dip happening on Jan. 1 at The Brunswick in Old Orchard Beach. They also talk about the dip that they do with the military and law enforcement dip in March that they are holding. Teamwork is the focus of the morning.