Segment 1: Ray Richardson opens up with a hodge-podge of topics including the votes on American Idol, the Bill to separate Maine DHHS and Child Protective Services, and more.
Segment 2: Ray shares his thoughts of what the next Governor should do as far as communications.
Segment 3: Ray gives a quick preview of today’s guests and then reads and comments on a Portland Press Herald Opinion piece on the Red and Yellow Flag Laws in Augusta, which brings a conversation between he and Dee Dee that kind of goes down a rabbit-hole.
Segment 4: Ray questions why it is now cool to be antisemitic and when are the Jews going to wake up to who is hating them. He points to the protesting at Columbia University and other colleges.
Segments 5-6: Ray continues with his thoughts on the protesting. Ray is joined by David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) and, Dr. Peter Earle of AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) and they continue to discuss college campuses across the country, some of the statics about jobs, and how many jobs some people have to be able to stand on their own two feet, economy growth patterns, and more.
Segment 1: Ray Richardson opens up with some of the things that have been going on in Maine’s Legislature, the Maine Legislature’s promises made and promises not kept, dependencies in the promises during campaign season versus the actions once elected.
Segment 2: Ray plays last night’s Julia Gagnon from American Idol and then America going backwards socially starting with Obama pitting one against another.
Segment 3: Rep. Josh Morris (R-Turner) joins Ray and they discuss the latest in the last days of the Maine Legislative session and what is on the docket.
Segment 4: Ray reads the introduction of Legislation to remove the protection of the Secret Service of a convicted President.
Segment 5: Vern Dukes (Trucker of Truth), and Garrett Mason (Partner at Dirigo Public Affairs) join the boys and they discuss the Sea Dogs vote turnaround in Augusta, don’t miss TV, Josh shares his top worst Bills, the gun laws, and more.
Segment 6: Ray, Garrett, and Vern discuss the government and dairy farms.
Segment 7: Ray and the boys continue their discussion about the Legislature.
Segment 8: Ray and Garrett discuss John Jenkins and how his influence is desperately needed now.
Segments 9-10: The boys talk about the Maine Republican Convention, running for office, insurance cost, insurance coverage, and insurance companies.
Segments 11-12: The topic is American Idol and the talent of the contestants and a common thread of bullying. Ray asks the panel about the Trump trial. Garrett gives an example of the double standard.
Segment 13: Ray and the boys talk more about the Alvin Bragg case against Trump and takes calls.
Segment 14: They take a call.
Segments 15-16: Ray, Vern, and Josh discuss banning Tik Tok and then take calls.
Segment 1: Ray Richardson editorializes some of today’s top headlines including the Iran-Israel conflict, the newest Biden climate fix by taking more than 13 million acres of public land within the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, Gov. Mills signs LD 2102 sought to roll back statutes that have been in place since 2005 and were designed to curb government spending and reduce Mainers’ tax burden this was brought forward by Sen. Teresa Pierce (D-Cumberland) – to read more, click here.
Segment 2: Ray reads a story about the family history of Knight Family Farm (Smiling Hill Farm) and then editorializes the historic timeline that it has lived through.
Segment 5: Ray welcomes Shawn Moody (Moody’s Collision) and they listen to Secretary of State Blinken’s press conference after Israel’s strike on Iran. The boys discuss Egypt and other countries that aren’t letting the Palestinian come into their countries, the Biden Administration and who is running the show, Gov. Mills’ and her Legislature’s bad ideas and laws.
Segment 6: Ray starts off with Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Congresswoman and “Squad” member Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), was among the more than 100 protesters arrested at Thursday’s anti-Israel protest at Columbia University.
Segments 7-8: Shawn uses MK Kitchen and other companies as a roll model in hiring young adults and teens to help in your business so that they can learn, other governments that dictate your occupation and the amount of kids you can have or who you can marry. They move on to Dr. Demi Kouzounas and Sen. King’s accomplishments, the Democrats view on elections, the Portland Press Herald, Bill Nemitz, the Democratic personality, and more.
Segment 9: Ray talks about the Pizza Contest last night, and Farmer Scott LeCair. He takes a call from Al from Saco and congratulates Al on 22 years sober.
Segment 10: Ray reads a text with another recommendation for Farmer Scott and his talents. He goes back to reading the information on the Jurors in the Trump Hush Money Trial and then the Judge presiding the case.
Segment 11: Sophia Pride (High School Student) and Ray catch up on some of the Falmouth School Department’s pronoun and furry policy.
Segment 12: Ray shares a text that he received on the transgender and then gives his comments.
Segment 13: Ray asks Sophia about her thoughts on Caitlin Clark.
Segment 14: Ray continues with the government and education system.
Segment 15: Sophia and Ray take calls.
Segment 16: Sophia and Ray continue to take calls.
Segments 1-2: Dr. Michael Ciampi (Ciampi Family Practice) joins Ray and Dee Dee Richardson and they discuss some of the great things happening in his practice. Doc has introduced Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections into his practice. He explains that PRP may be a good alternative treatment in the management of tendon, ligament, muscle, and/or cartilage injury. Ray and Doc move on to Sen. Chuck Schumer and other people that are suppose to be putting America and Americans first, but don’t. They go through several instances as examples.
Segments 3-4: Ray and Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) joins the boys and they start with the play at Portland Players and somehow get to abortion and Doc shares an example of Canada’s healthcare system, and more.
Segments 5-6: Ray talks about the people that have been elected to protect you, but they are actually predators. Ray believes that the elected people truly hate the founders of our country and want to make our country more like some of the other non-democracy countries out there. Gunny Mike joins the conversation and they discuss the wind projects and who is behind it.
Segments 7-8: Ray reads a story about a elected person using campaign money to go to the Masters Golf tourney, the boys get into books that kids are exposed to in school, the political pawns that our children have become, gender transgenderism in children, and more.
Segments 9-10: Ray introduces Dov and then reads a part of a The Maine Wire piece about windmills and foreign ownership of our energy sources. The boys discuss foreign companies owning America land, Biden’s tax plan, other government lies including Biden, WHPS Karine Jean-Pierre, and more.
Segment 11: Ray and Dov discuss some of the redefined words from the government, the different receptions of Trump in the Bodega and Biden in the gas station, how hate festers, the Nobel Peace Prize and how that has changed as well, that schools don’t have flags in the classroom or saying The Pledge of Allegiance not to mention knowing what it means.
Segment 12: Ray shares The Pledge of Allegiance meaning by Red Skelton. He and Dov discuss words, Dov reads some more words that they are changing and redefine words, critical race theory, and more.
Segments 13-14: Ray and Dov discuss words and how they are used. The boys welcome Pat Callaghan (Senior Analyst for WMTW Channel 8 and the part of podcast, In The Arena featuring Former State Senators, Ethan Strimling, and Phil Harriman, and television veteran Pat Callaghan). He joins the discussion about our country’s history and word meanings. Ray reads a joke from a text, and they go back to their discussion on working with people that you don’t necessarily agree with to come to a compromise. They talk about this week’s episode of the In The Arena.
Segment 15: Ray and Dee Dee share why April 18th is held dear, Dee Dee’s parents anniversary, Dee Dee’s car accident, and their daughter, LelaMarie Richardson Griffith’s birthday. He takes calls. John from Falmouth and he get into a discussion about Senator Edmund Ross of Kansas and his vote and Puerto Rico. John shares some history of Blackstrap Hill and rum. Ray gets really frustrated with Steve from Westbrook.
Segment 16: Ray tells all the progressives to stop calling his show and sets boundaries for his show.