Every Segment Synopsis Are Not Available At This Time.
Segment 1: Ray talks about the new Bills that the Maine Legislature has passed. Dee Dee Richardson joins him with her questions and comments regarding schools, nursing homes, and more.
Segment 2: Ray talks more about some of the Bills that the Maine Legislature has passed in the last couple of days like banning smoking within 300 ft of a school and to require a license for contractors.
[Audio not Available] Segment 3: Ray goes back to the licensing of contractors, the smoking ban which only affects one store (Fresh Approach Meat Market) in the whole state. Bob Witkowski (Where Y’at Magazine) join Ray and they continue to discuss the bill, sponsored by Rep. Matthew Moonen, D-Portland. Bob lived on the West End and will be cu Segment 5: Ray talks about Texas Reps. Jasmine Crockett suggests Black people shouldn’t pay taxes as form of reparations and Jackson Lee ripped after defending her moon gaffe and blaming it on GOP. He takes a call.
Segments 7-8: Ray talks about the number of seats in the legislature and showing up for work with respect and dignity. He travels back in time to stress his point. He takes calls.
Segments 1-2: Ray talks about his podcast and the Knight Family which leads to the Maine Legislature’s shenanigans.
Segment 3: Ray answers a text about why Ray blames the Democrats for all of the problems. Maine Rep. Wayne Parry joins Ray to discuss the money grab during the middle of the night from Maine Transportation Committee and Appropriation Committee.
Segment 4: Ray and Wayne takes a call and is surprised by Former Rep. Rich Cebra. They discuss what is going on in Augusta.
Segment 5: Ray, Wayne, and Rich are joined by David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate), and Gunny Mike Hall. They talk about Gov. Mills stance on the bills and the money that they took from the Veterans’ and Nursing Homes.
Segment 6: Ray and the boys continue their discussion.
Segments 7-8: In this FO Bailey Real Estate Segment, David and Ray are joined by Rob Baldacci. They discuss the differences between the Kennedy Era Democrats versus today’s Democrats. Communications between parties and the ability to work together. The need to form working relationships across all platforms in our life and the detriment of Social Media influencers. They share their thoughts on Former Maine Gov. Joe Brennan. Rob’s contact information is email: robert@fobailey.com or phone: 207-756-2063. David’s contact information is office: 207-781-1111, cell: 207-650-3455, or email:info@fobailey.com.
Segments 9-10: John Lewis (Synergy Workforce Solutions) join Ray, David, and Dee Dee and they talk about Eastpoint and faith. They get into some of the student studies that debunk all that we believe about going to college.
Segment 11: AARP Maine‘s Fraud Fighter, Phil Chin joins Ray to discuss the AI scams and how authentic they sound and look, the Freeport Inn breakfast, the social media bait. They chat about Karyn Diamond and the play that they are in together at Freeport Players (Murder at the Pie Auction, April 19 and 20 at 6:30) and the play he is doing now. Trust but verify any information that is given whether it is written or verbal, it is very important to Trust, but more important to verify, and more.
Segment 12: Ray, Dee Dee, and John talk about working with your spouse, then they get into some history.
Segment 13: Ray give John an open invitation, they get into the Pro-Palistine and the events in Israel and the affects it could have on Biden, and if it could affect the US stance. They get back to Maine politics, Robert Card, the red flag laws, the treatment of mental illness, and more. The rise in hate crimes, the Israel-Hamas conflict and how Iran fits in.
Segment 15: Ray reads the headline that Biden did what they predicted in the last segment. They take calls from Ethan of Saco, Steve from Westbrook, John from Falmouth, and Ray reads a text from Jeff Preble.
Segment 16: Ray reads a text and then the boys editorialize about 911. John talks about The Collective Illusion.
Segment 1: Ray Richardson talks about some of the things happening in the news like interest rates, Trump’s fundraiser on Saturday, and more.
Segment 2: Ray reads a story about why and how the Arabs were Germany’s natural friends, Haj Amin al-Husseini told the Nazi leader in 1941, because they had the same enemies — namely the English, the Jews and the Communists.
Segment 3: Ray talks about the vote to shift funding from Maine transportation to other priorities as part of the Legislature’s approval process to the governor’s supplemental budget.
Segment 4: Ray continues with the re-appropriation of money. Rep. Wayne Parry calls in to really explain what the legislature did to take money out of the Transportation Department budget and where is the money going.
Segments 5-6: Ray continues to talk about the vote to take money from the Transportation Department and former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to investigate so-called ‘worst mayor in America, Dolton Mayor Tiffany Henyard’ at $400 an hour, David Jones (FO Bailey Real Estate) and, Dr. Peter Earle of AIER (American Institute for Economic Research) joins the Ray and they talk about the economic report that came out on Friday.
Segments 7: Ray and David takes calls. Mark Reilly stops by for a while and they talk about showing up for work yesterday and the eclipse.
Segment 8: Ray and the panel talk about the bumper song and Stevie Wonder. Mike Mercer (F3 Defense) calls in from Milwaukee with an update on keeping the convention safe.
Segments 1-2: Ray Richardson and Todd Piro (Co-Host Fox and Friends First and Fox News Channel) talk about yesterday’s NCAA basketball championship game, Caitlin Clark, Kamilla Cardoso, coach Dawn Staley’s gracious speech, and then they discuss Hunter Biden and the classified documents inquiry.
Segment 3: Ray talks about the dedicated people restoring our power and driving to close. He moves on to Maine’s Legislature and the attack on Rep. Laurel Libby because of her willingness to stand up for the Constitution. Ray gets personal with what his path should be and the focus of the show.
Segment 4: Ray talks about the Democratic rule over Maine and questions why are they so against the working class people.
Segments 5-6: Vern Dukes, Maine Rep. Josh Morris (R.-Turner) join Ray. Vern shares his trip down South. Josh shares what is going on up in Augusta and the process to extend the Maine Legislative Session. This brings up the discussion on National Population Vote. Ray play a clip from the Maine Legislature of Rep. Wayne Parry’s comments about the National Population Vote. Ray talks about the different election processes from different states. Segments 7-8: Ray, Josh, and Vern discuss the leftist ideas in California and Oregon that are now being recalled and Maine’s bright ideas.
Segment 9: The boys welcome Maine Representative Ann Fredericks. She is in favor of the Bill to separate Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services and they discuss how it did in the Senate and what it would do to support and protect children. They discuss the long history of not protecting children in the state care. They also talk about what you can do to voice your opinion.
Segment 10: Ray says that he will be taking calls, but he states the rules.
Segment 11: The boys start with the roads and bridges, then they get into the Mills’ siblings destroying the Knight Family Farm and the beautiful landscape in Maine. They compare Maine to New Hampshire.
Segment 12: Ray talks about the upcoming segments. Segments 13-14: Ray talks about Roe v Wade’s overturn, Trump’s statement on abortion, Maine’s law and ability to overturn, and, and more. He takes calls.
Segment 15: Vern, Ray, and Josh discuss the legislature and leadership, the National Popular Vote and whether it is Constitutional. They take calls.