Part 1: Ray starts off with the results of some of the election results. Fox News Radio’s Simon Owen joins Ray and talk about Russia, Pres. Trump, Putin, South Korea, War Games, NATO.
Part 2: Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland continues the War Games discussion. She covered the first press conference since April of Defense Secretary General James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Joseph Dunford about North Korea.
Part 3: Ray is joined by David Jones. They talk about Barry White and his car. They talk about the Florida primary results and Trump’s effect. The boys also talk about Eric Brakey’s race and Sen. King.
08-28-18 Political Roundtable Part 2
Part 1: Ray and the others of the panel are joined by Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling. The discussion is on “responsible contracting” and how that will benefit Portland. The Mayor expands on the definition of what that means to Portland. The Mayor also talks about the Apprentice Program that he would like to implement.
Part 2: This is a very short segment and Ray basically only has time to re-introduce the panel.
Part 3: Newell Augur joins the panel to discuss the Referendum Question. He is with Stop the Scam. He explains in depth the fallacies behind this referendum. Assistant House Minority Leader and Candidate for Senate Ellie Espling joins the boys.
Part 4: Pete McVety announces a sale coming up at McVety’s Health and Home.
Part 5: Ray welcomes the GOP Leader Demi Kouzounas to the panel. Ray asks them to give their thoughts about Sen. John McCain. Ray asks Ellie her opinion about the upcoming returning sesson.
Part 6: The panel applauds Ellie and Newell explains why.
Part 7: Ray has Demi tell (tongue in cheek) why she loves Question 1 if it should pass. They take a call and go back to the topic about the people’s referendum process. Newel stresses people to research this referendum question on your own. To help get the correct information a sign or to donate, visit They take another call about public hearings on proposed bills. Newell gives the history of the public hearings in the Legislature.
Part 8: Demi re-iterates how this bill will affect our daily lives.
08-28-18 Political Roundtable Part 1
Part 1: Ray dives into the sins of the father. Lilly Diabetes has pulled its sponsorship of Conor Daly’s No. 6 car in the Nascar Xfinity race at Road America, citing a racial slur made by the driver’s father in the 1980s that surfaced this week. Ray continues that Daly’s father at the time was new to the country and the word used had a different meaning from where he was from and he apologized. Pete McVety, McVety Hearth & Home, joins Ray with treats from Dunkin Donuts.
Part 2: Ray touches on a tweet from David Hogg and the story that Blue Lives Matter reported. He was the Parkland student turned activist. In his two-part tweet, he told Smith & Wesson to give $5 million dollars to gun violence research or be “destroyed” by “love and economics. Ray and Pete are joined by David Jones and Gordon Draper.
08-27-18 Sen. John McCain
Part 1: Ray continues reflecting on McCain. Ray remembers one of his visits to Maine and the Maine Military Museum. Ray describes watching John McCain tour the museum and the life-size replica of a cell like the one McCain was held in. Ray takes a call.
Part 2: Arizona Governor will be appointing Sen. McCain’s replacement. How will that affect the Supreme Court confirmations?
Part 3: Ray starts off with an article in the Portland Press Herald, the media attacked golfer Tiger Woods about all kinds of things that didn’t have anything to do with him (NFL, Trump). He gets to the constitution and Washington.
Part 4: Ray concludes the morning with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.