Part 1: Lori Parham, State Director of AARP Maine is in studio. It is her birthday. She is here to discuss the results of a survey that AARP Maine did with Maine Voters. This segment was about the results on issues that concern voters.
Part 2: They continue their discussion on the survey results, this segment is about the candidates running for the different offices. For more details on their survey, visit their website. 2018-aarp-survey-of-maine-voters-50.
09-07-18 New York Times
Ray talks about the New York Times Op-Ed that has made news. Ray doesn’t understand how more people aren’t in an uproar. He states that it is a treasonous to have a “secret” arm of government. We should be demanding the author and NY Times shouldn’t have run it with out naming who authored this letter.
09-07-18 Out of the Darkness Walk
Ray welcomes Marjorie Johnston back. She is with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Maine Chapter. They are holding their Out of the Darkness Walk tomorrow on Portland’s Eastern Prom starting at Fort Allen Park. There is still time to register. Online registration closes at noon (local time) the Friday before the walk. However, anyone who would like to participate can register in person at the walk from the time check-in begins until the walk starts. Registration is free and open to the public. Walk donations are accepted until December 31st. For more information, or to register find them on Facebook or their website.
09-07-18 PPH
Ray touches on the headline that the Portland Press Herald had yesterday about a statement that was meant to sway Sen. Collins’ vote on the nominated Judge Kavanaugh.