Part 1: Ray started with Presidents and what they had in common and their differences. He hits on so many different topics. Immigrants voting and the slippery slope the Dems are trying to get us to buy.
Part 2: Short segment re-stating what should be obvious. Undocumented people getting to vote in local elections. That’s how it starts.
Part 3: Ray asks people to start voice your opinion. Everything starts on a slippery slope. He gives the example of the gay rights, that ends up in Gay marriage. He talks about voting for undocumented people. Ray takes calls in agreement. One of the callers states that you can be involved and state their opinion without the right to vote.
Part 4: Ray continues with the liberals wanting the immigrants to vote. He reads a text from a WLOB listener and takes a call and they talk about Hillary Clinton.
Part 5: Fox News Radio’s Jon Decker joins Ray to discuss Pres. Trump’s tour of America’s Heartland. They talk about the tariffs and our allies regarding NATO and a fair trade policy. Jon gives a brief description of what it’s like to fly on Air Force One. Ray goes back to the undocumented people being able to vote.
Part 6: Ray is still on the undocumented voting issues facing our country. He urges people to tune in on Tuesday at 7am when Mayor Ethan Strimling will be on pushing this issue.
07-27-18 Shawn Moody
Part 1: Ray is joined by Republican Gubernatorial candidate Shawn Moody in studio this morning. The discussion starts with some of the parades and people that Shawn has had the pleasure of meeting. They also talk about the workforce and how to get and keep the youth population in Maine. He would like to increase the trade school enrollment.
Part 2: Shawn talks about hard workers and restoring the workforce. He would like to be able to make it easier for a teen to be able to get a job.
07-27-18 Free-for-all Friday
Part 1: Ray talks about Nancy Pelosi’s statement about 911. He doesn’t believe that she truly believes that 911 was an incident. He feels that she just mis-spoke. Ray thinks that we ALL need to calm down, including the media. Ray turns to Phil Bartlett, Chairman of the ME Dem. Party. He is from Gorham and has held office. He has never said one, not one decent thing about Shawn Moody. This is response to the Democratic Party’s latest press release.
Part 2: Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland joins us to talk about the 11 Republican House members that wanted to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Part 3: Ray takes a call and they talk about the return of the 55 remains of the servicemen from the Korean War.
07-26-18 Pat Callaghan
Part 1: Ray is joined by Pat Callaghan of News Center Maine by phone. The boys talk about the election results and how they have affected the clean election funds. They also talk about the things going on in Washington.
Part 2: They talk about the Mitchell brothers. Former Colby Men’s Assistant Basketball Coach John “Swisher” Mitchell has passed away at the age of 91. Mitchell was the brother of former U.S. Senator George Mitchell and coached for more than 40 years.